To be fair, Everton has always had ITK's spouting rumour and conjecture. I think this was written by one of Esk's forebearers
Tuesday, October 19 – 1886
From reliable information I have just received, the Association game in Liverpool would appear to be on the point of undergoing a somewhat remarkable development,. Mr. John Houlding, a city councillor, an opulent brewer and a generous patron of sport to boot, purchased, some, some three years ago for a sum of £6,000 the land now known as the “Anfield enclosure,” the headquarters of the Everton Club, and which, I hear, is to be remodelled, and a grand stand built, while at the main entrance will be erected a palatial hotel, at a cost of £3,000. The recent successes of Everton have no doubt stimulated this lavish outlay, such action being possibly accelerated by the alleged manoeuvring of a rival firm.
*My grandfather bet his wages on that new grandstand and hotel