I still believe that has to be the case, yes. But funny you should mention it - there's debates going on about this right now after the THST released minutes from their latest meeting with Levy. It included this:
"MB asked if all of the financing was in place to complete the stadium build. DL stated that the funds would come from different sources and that the cost of the stadium was now estimated circa £800m"
Apparently some in the Trust are adamant Levy was talking about the stadium only, but I don't believe that for a second. There must be some crossed wires. Levy must've been talking about the entire scheme. The KPMG report into its viability from 2015 put the cost of the entire scheme (stadium, hotel, supermarket, residential, public square) at £750m. With the weakened pound a cost rise to £800m for the whole scheme wouldn't surprise me at all, but for the stadium alone to have doubled in costs in just a year and half? Nah...pretty sure that's not right.
Worth pointing out the Mayor of London approved the Chav's Stamford Bridge rebuild today. That's being reported to cost £500m: