New Everton Stadium

We need to trust not only Meiss but also think about what Mr Moshiri wants to leave behind. This will be his life defining legacy that will last beyond him and his children.
These are the things that drive these type of men. They do not settle for second best or even people saying 'no' to them. (Take note Rom)
I don't think we will have seen anything like it in European, possibly world football. Meiss wants to leave his mark on this game of ours too. He wants the building to inspire and create the best atmosphere in the Premier League..It will be an astheticly stand out structure on the outside and a scientifically designed four sided bear-pit inside.

Another Reebok stadium it is then.
It's going to be a long process with many hurdles to cross but some people will expect things to happen straight away.

We have a long wait, patience is a virtue.

Exactly. We've waited this long and sat through dross on the field - surely a little while longer to wait before we are disappointed again isn't too much to ask?

Well let's just say he's taking more interest in the Blues than HKO did when they made the giant hole punch for the RS... Also I bet the 6 year old West Ham got to redesign the athletics stadium into another athletics stadium minus the running track took a bit more notice of the fans wishes.
Come on Dan Meiss is trying to build a good relationship with the people who are going to use his design and that should be applauded not sneered at.. its better than have some faceless corporate stadium architect knocking up some of the monstrosities we've seen go up.

Mate there are some "blues" on here that do nothing but whinge and try pee on the clubs chip's. No point arguing with the usual suspects.
Well let's just say he's taking more interest in the Blues than HKO did when they made the giant hole punch for the RS... Also I bet the 6 year old West Ham got to redesign the athletics stadium into another athletics stadium minus the running track took a bit more notice of the fans wishes.
Come on Dan Meiss is trying to build a good relationship with the people who are going to use his design and that should be applauded not sneered at.. its better than have some faceless corporate stadium architect knocking up some of the monstrosities we've seen go up.

What level are you upto on Architect FIFA 2017??

What Lux level are you setting the LED floodlights to??? Who is the best young mechanical consultant to purchase who develops into world class???
Great article

Dave Downie: Everton are moving, so must we
21st March 2017

A NEW DAWN: Legend Graeme Sharp looks towards the site of Everton's new home.
By Dave Downie

If everything goes to plan, Everton will announce that Bramley Moore Dock will be the site of their new home later this week.

That sentence alone is something I never thought I’d be able to say in my lifetime.

Previous failures, false dawns both on and off the pitch, and an overwhelming feeling that this would never happen. The thought that Everton would never be able to rub shoulders with football’s elite was a sobering one and a feeling we’ve all struggled to cope with for the best part of thirty years.

That all changes now.

The jokes will stop. The jibes will vanish. The media will recognise. That’s what all this means.

It isn’t just a new stadium. It isn’t just something nice to look at or somewhere to visit on your day off. It’s a new home and a new hope.

As much as every Evertonian loves Goodison Park, the old lady has stunted the growth and Everton’s potential to grow as a football club.

Hearts will be broken when we see our team play its final game in L4 and it’s a very sad reality that Everton can’t hope to function as a leading force from the place which has overseen all of the glory on which we’re built.

But think of taking your seat in a place which that’s been constructed to breed success in the modern game.

Think of your kids, their kids and their families. They get the chance to see things that none of us thirty-something’s have ever seen. They get to see an Everton that can compete and an Everton that can hope again.

None of this ‘seventh is a good season’ or ‘can we break into the top four?’ This is going to be a place built to house trophies. This will be a place that will house trophies.

For decades, people in, around or who follow the club have forgotten what our motto means. They’ve used it as a quirky strap-line or a cheap marketing tool, but they’ve never believed it. They’ve used it to highlight a time gone by and what it used to stand for when it’s literal meaning was the standard that every Evertonian lived by.

We all need to live by that again.

‘I’d take a point away at the big clubs,’ ‘we never play well at Anfield,’ ‘EVERTON THAT!’

It all has to stop.

Being a big club needs big thinking.

‘Everton that’ needs to mean something else. Dreading trips to Anfield and the rest has to stop. That small mindedness and poisonous narrative need to be cast aside and replaced by the genuine belief we can achieve.

We’re all guilty of it to some extent. I interviewed Neville Southall at the Vauxhall plant in Ellesmere Port a couple of days before Phil Jagielka earned us a draw at Anfield with one of the greatest strikes we’ll ever see in a Merseyside derby.

Naively, I asked the great man what Everton should be looking to do in that season with it only being late September. I expected a typical response that I’d usually get from interviewing most former players. ‘Qualifying for Europe,’ or ‘maybe a late push for the top 4’ was the reply I was used to.

I should’ve known my audience…

‘Win the league,’ he replied casually.

I laughed a little before replying ‘Really?’

‘What’s the point in playing in the league if you don’t think you can win it?’ he said.

It was a genuine moment in time for me. One of the greatest players to ever pull on a football shirt had firmly put me in my place, yet so many even to this day will scoff at what he said. But he is undeniably right. What is the point?

Why do we bother if we don’t think we can win? I know we’ve become accustomed to heartache with Everton over the years, but that has gradually become an all encompassing inferiority complex that has infected almost every single one of us, in some way.

When Everton move, our mindset simply has to go with it.

We have to shed the skin that’s seen us downtrodden and blighted our hopes and expectations for more than a generation.

A shadow of our former selves which some of us have never seen.

It ends now.

Nil Satis Nisi Optimum? It’s time to stop saying it and time to start living it.
Being a big club needs big thinking.

This is what its all about..

That stadium is so so loud too. Alright, it's way out of our price range but someone needs to get the sound man to do our stadium too.
I've mentioned this before. I hope they really do some studies to try to maximize the atmosphere. Part of the greatness of Goodison is that, on it's day, it is a snarling mass of anger and noise. That needs to be brought over and amplified at the new stadium as well. There are 3-5 teams in the States that have given not just thought but priority to it and they are rewarded with that atmosphere that makes sport so special.
Last week the announcement was going to be done in Cannes because of the real estate conference.

This week it's going to be done because Joe has cancelled his hairdressers appointment.




I'm guessing next week will have a new reason why it's getting announced and this routine will start again " Oh their heads are going to fall off hahahahahaha "

You'd think about previous ground attempt failures we'd have learnt to sit and wait and actually wait for construction to start before gloating.

We haven't even seen a concept design, announcement of land purchase and planning permission and you are all giggling like little girls.

The same people was doing the same regarding Walton Hall Park.

Wait people, just wait for a change.
Mr Moshiri has been clutching a folder of architect drawings for about 12 months now.. He's making big plans.

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