New Everton Stadium

Wouldn't worry about trying to reappropriate the liver bird. We have a great crest and great icons. Just keep promoting those icons and images associated with our club. Including Sharpe scoring that goal.
Wouldn't we all?! There's no public money being put into this project and we obviously aren't in the nice position of having a friendly council acting as a guarantor for loans, so I doubt we'll ever see such a breakdown. I don't think there's too much concern though - Levy might've made questionable decisions on the football side of things in the past (Fraizer Campbell says hi), but he's never got anything but the best deals on the business side.

Someone posted a summary of some of the stuff happening here - - which includes this - "DL wants the entire stadium to be of a corporate hospitality level, the fit and finish will be exceptional throughout". This fits with previous quotes saying they want the whole stadium to match the quality of the new training centre.

Retractable pitch aside, I don't know if there will be anything groundbreaking architecturally, it just sounds like they're making sure everything is really high-spec.

The other big thing about any cost-breakdown is we have literally no idea what the NFL is bringing to the party. Are they putting in money to the build (or at least towards the cost of the retractable pitch)? If they're serious about a long-term London franchise even putting in £200m (a number I've plucked out of the air) would be much cheaper than building their own stadium. Or are they simply paying a good chunk in rent for 10 years of their contract? Or is the club just hoping their involvement (and possible franchise down the line) will swell stadium sponsorships to another level?

Finally, the stadium isn't being built in isolation which complicates things further. The residential/hotel/supermarket/school/leisure facilities to the north and south of the stadium are all helping with the stadium costs. I've heard Everton/LCC will be looking at similar enabling developments - I wonder if the club will manage them, or if they'll be pushed into subsidiary companies owned by Moshiri/Usamov, or if it's something Peel wants to do by himself and from which Everton will benefit indirectly from increased footfall on non-matchdays?

Levy announced at a recent THST meeting the costs of their new stadium was now north of £800 million.Whilst there are now added costs following a design change to incorporate NFL designated area the costs are now approx double the original estimates.

ENIC the owners of TH raised approx £100 million start up funds by way of increased equity that was supplemented by loans amounting to £250 raised through 3 banks. So that's £350 million a way short of £800 million. A chunk of that £800 million, around £250mill is said to be needed to build housing, etc on the site.

There was an interesting email exchange published between Levy and the local authorities where Levy is having a pop at the councils for there lack of commitment to the project but also there is comment that financing the development is an issue as banks have hardened their approach in view of the sums needed bearing in mind Spurs turnover is circa £250 million.

There was a deadline set of 31/3 for Spurs to confirm that they will indeed be taking the option to play at Wembley next season but, that deadline looks now to be pushed back to 30/4. Neither Levy nor indeed anyone from Spurs has ever said this season will be the last before they decant to Wembley for a season but all the planning has been based on that very fact so to not be in a position to commit when the stadium build is said to be broadly on schedule is interesting

KPMG as an aside produced a viability report of the project which questioned its feasibility when coatings were said to be around £650-£675 million and in relation to the NFL set up costs the view was that based on 2 games over a 10 year period the cost of building into the project NFL requirements was a negativeThere is a thought that Spurs may well attempt to buy any future Eureopean NFL franchise will initsef cost hundreds of millions but the riches to be gained could be massive.

The retractable pitch is cutting edge and there will no doubt be problems with the retractable roof but that aside the build is high spec but not cutting edge.
Levy announced at a recent THST meeting the costs of their new stadium was now north of £800 million.Whilst there are now added costs following a design change to incorporate NFL designated area the costs are now approx double the original estimates.

ENIC the owners of TH raised approx £100 million start up funds by way of increased equity that was supplemented by loans amounting to £250 raised through 3 banks. So that's £350 million a way short of £800 million. A chunk of that £800 million, around £250mill is said to be needed to build housing, etc on the site.

There was an interesting email exchange published between Levy and the local authorities where Levy is having a pop at the councils for there lack of commitment to the project but also there is comment that financing the development is an issue as banks have hardened their approach in view of the sums needed bearing in mind Spurs turnover is circa £250 million.

There was a deadline set of 31/3 for Spurs to confirm that they will indeed be taking the option to play at Wembley next season but, that deadline looks now to be pushed back to 30/4. Neither Levy nor indeed anyone from Spurs has ever said this season will be the last before they decant to Wembley for a season but all the planning has been based on that very fact so to not be in a position to commit when the stadium build is said to be broadly on schedule is interesting

KPMG as an aside produced a viability report of the project which questioned its feasibility when coatings were said to be around £650-£675 million and in relation to the NFL set up costs the view was that based on 2 games over a 10 year period the cost of building into the project NFL requirements was a negativeThere is a thought that Spurs may well attempt to buy any future Eureopean NFL franchise will initsef cost hundreds of millions but the riches to be gained could be massive.

The retractable pitch is cutting edge and there will no doubt be problems with the retractable roof but that aside the build is high spec but not cutting edge.

Still sounds quite sick.

Yes it is. Rightly or wrongly, it just is. Maybe I should say "the footballing world", but the fact remains. The world at large has no clue what the liver birds' true/original significance is.

Not saying it SHOULD be that way, but that's just the reality. Putting the liver bird on our stadium would serve no purpose other than sticking a middle finger up at LFC - and personally I think it's far more important than that. Not to mention that it would be a woeful example of mixed messaging from a commercial/brand identity standpoint.
Correct the world of football.

First and foremost I want to see the biggest ever Everton badge on the side of the stadium fully lit up overlooking the Mersey.

As for what ever "they" use as a badge is of no concern to me.
I am a Liverpudlian that just so happens to support Everton .
With that in mind I dont see any reason whatsoever not to use the Liverbirds in some way in the New Stadium.
"They" do not own the birds and neither should they.
As to say we shouldnt be associated with the city's emblem when we were the first to use them in the first place , well I cant agree. They think they have a monopoly , I say they havent.
Anyway their thoughts are the furthest thing from my mind , tired of them getting their own way on everything from the media darlings ....about time the balance is redressed.

Sod them.
This is the only symbol i want on the stadium, along with 50m a year naming rights.

Correct the world of football.

First and foremost I want to see the biggest ever Everton badge on the side of the stadium fully lit up overlooking the Mersey.

As for what ever "they" use as a badge is of no concern to me.
I am a Liverpudlian that just so happens to support Everton .
With that in mind I dont see any reason whatsoever not to use the Liverbirds in some way in the New Stadium.
"They" do not own the birds and neither should they.
As to say we shouldnt be associated with the city's emblem when we were the first to use them in the first place , well I cant agree. They think they have a monopoly , I say they havent.
Anyway their thoughts are the furthest thing from my mind , tired of them getting their own way on everything from the media darlings ....about time the balance is redressed.

Sod them.

I am not saying I would want the Liver Bird but the only crap thrown at us would be from Kopites initially. 10 years down the line and it would be to the rest of football symbolic of Everton aswell as RS. It would only be used in future argument between us and the RS as is Anfield being ours first and that we basically formed Liverpool FC. So either way it wouldn't bother me and like you I don't see the Liver Birds as being the symbol of the RS. Its a City of Liverpool thing and we are entitled to it as much as them.

I am not saying I would want the Liver Bird but the only crap thrown at us would be from Kopites initially. 10 years down the line and it would be to the rest of football symbolic of Everton aswell as RS. It would only be used in future argument between us and the RS as is Anfield being ours first and that we basically formed Liverpool FC. So either way it wouldn't bother me and like you I don't see the Liver Birds as being the symbol of the RS. Its a City of Liverpool thing and we are entitled to it as much as them.
With all the crap being spurted out about Bramley Moore Dock by the red biased media, just for the bantz give them something real to gripe about .
How about Mosh buying the Liver Buildings painting the birds Royal Blue and applying for copy right :p:p:p
I think that that looks like a good stadium!!
Hey... you're entitled to your opinion but I'd be looking for something a bit more "wow" for such a prestigious location as the waterfront... but who knows.
Pity we paid all that money to hire Dan Meiss when an 8 year olds drawing of a footy ground wouldn't be that far away from Hertha Berlin's...... just sayin....
Correct the world of football.

First and foremost I want to see the biggest ever Everton badge on the side of the stadium fully lit up overlooking the Mersey.

As for what ever "they" use as a badge is of no concern to me.
I am a Liverpudlian that just so happens to support Everton .
With that in mind I dont see any reason whatsoever not to use the Liverbirds in some way in the New Stadium.
"They" do not own the birds and neither should they.
As to say we shouldnt be associated with the city's emblem when we were the first to use them in the first place , well I cant agree. They think they have a monopoly , I say they havent.
Anyway their thoughts are the furthest thing from my mind , tired of them getting their own way on everything from the media darlings ....about time the balance is redressed.

Sod them.
I agree with all your comments in theory. But the fact is the risk/reward considerations of trying to encroach on what is now (wrongly, fine, but still) a well established association just isn't worth it. If you showed a few thousand people around the world the liver bird, most wouldn't know what it was. But of those who DID, far more would say Liverpool the football team, than would say Liverpool the city.

And as for the bold part..... since both we and they are football teams, and that's the "market space" we're both operating (pretty much exclusively) inside - that's really the only perception that matters.

Couldn't agree more about redressing the balance - but I'd sooner do that on the pitch than by trying to re-appropriate the Liver Birds - which would only confuse our branding at a time when we need to be building our own international identity.

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