New Everton Stadium

I reckon you're right Wiz !

Be great if we could see some real momentum with this now - starting with a nice win tomorrow!

without wanting to get my own hopes up too much, im thinking within a couple of weeks we will have the funding inplace. the biggest step has been taken, getting the council onboard and getting the thumbs up and seal of approval from the cabinet today.

as with anything legally binding, it will take a little bit of time to set up the SPV, a couple of weeks to a month perhaps, once this is done and we have our investors on board then we will start seeing offical drawings and concept ideas for the stadium. these wil then be rfined before being submitted to the council for planning permission,

As with any big development, we should be liasing with council offical;s during the design of the stadium and surrounding infrastructure as to reduce any hold ups which may occur at the planning stage. the more we liase with the planners the better chance we have of the planning going through in a timely manner. we dont just want to submit a plan, only to be told that we are way off the mark and have to start again etc etc. im quite certain a design of this magnitude will have all this covered! i hope so anyways!.

im going to say within a couple of months we should have a real idea of what the stadium looks like and a timeframe for when work might get underway.

the original quote of early 2018 for work to start sounds about right from here, barring any huge developments.
after the horrid week with injuries to coleman and mori, this is some good news... get a win tomorrow and this week doesn't half look bad RED AN WHITE [Poor language removed] ELLO ELLO
"Fans of Liverpool and Everton have experienced many highs and lows, but never such a concentrated period of change as they’re both going through now. Liverpool, with the regeneration of Anfield, a ground criticised recently for lacking atmosphere and Everton, set to become the first club to move away from Stanley Park, a shared connection between the pair since 1892. Paul MacInnes talks to lifelong supporters of both clubs to find out how they’re coping with the developments"

Who owns that ground with the three tiny stands?

hopefully we have a lender lined up already.
the few people that met dan meis have said we're a lot further along with this than people think so hopefully a planning application wont be too far away either.

I'm fairly sure we do and my gut is telling me that it has some links to USM, my cautious optimism is building into actual optimism that this is going to happen!

Everton urged to 'crack on' with stadium after Council approve funding model
Liverpool City Mayor Joe Anderson wants to see Blues now act with speed

  • 11:23, 31 MAR 2017
  • UPDATED11:26, 31 MAR 2017
Mayor Joe Anderson has urged Everton to “crack on” as they press ahead with their intentions to build a new stadium at Bramley Moore Dock.

But the city chief insists he will not be imposing a time frame on the club to move into their dream home on the banks of the Mersey.

The Council Cabinet today approved Anderson’s recommendation that the local authority act as guarantors when the Blues secure the money they need to fund a ground move.

Everton Bramley Moore Dock stadium cash deal SEALED
Now, Anderson says, the ball is in Everton’s court with detailed plans to be submitted later this year and a lender still to be sought but the Mayor has called for the Blues to pick up the pace.

“It is very much in Everton’s court, I would hope Everton, behind the scenes, have been talking to people and have been talking to people about stadium design and stuff like that,” Anderson said.

“It really is up to them, it’s not for us to dictate what happens in terms of the stadium or the process, I just hope, and will urge, some speed on this because I don’t want us to be waiting around.

Vote for what Everton's new stadium should be called
“The whole purpose of me getting involved in this was to kick-start it.

“We all knew that Peel had this land and Peel were talking about 30 years before developments started to really to take place, that far down on that site at Bramley Moore and I don’t think the city can wait that long.”

Anderson confirmed that when in discussions with Liverpool’s owners - Fenway Sports Group - he imposed a strict timescale on their decision to redevelop Anfield or build a new home.

Everton's Bramley Moore Stadium To Go Ahead
But the Mayor says the situation with Everton is different.

“We haven’t done that,” he said.

“It would be wrong for us to put certain caveats into the deal and say we are demanding that and demanding that.

“With Liverpool, when the new owners took over, I gave them a time limit so they could to assess the situation before we made a decision and they made a decision on whether they were going to develop a new stand at Anfield or move into Stanley Park, which was already agreed.

Dan Meis Grid
“So I gave them a time limit because of the uncertainty and because European funding that was tied up in what we called clawed back, that had to be resolved, and so I had to put a time limit on that.

“With Everton, it is different. They have agreed to buy the land at Bramley Moore Dock and it’s up to them to put the conditions in place that satisfy their shareholders and themselves as a club.

“If this comes off it’s a great deal for Everton, it’s great deal for Liverpool City Council, and I want it to happen but I am not there into brow-beat them into moving on but they are aware of my feelings and I want them to crack on and if we, hopefully, get the chosen to host the Commonwealth Games in 2022, we will be delivering on that.”
...seems a 'no brainer' decision for the Cabinet so it's no surprise it was quickly approved. It'll be interesting to know the allegiance of folk sitting on that group, there must be a few Reds.

I'd say there was a fair few buckets of vomit in that meeting room from the Reds on the committee
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