New Everton Stadium

Just to try and calm the nerves of people thinking it is impossible to have a track in a square-ish stadium. Here is some pics of the US bank stadium. All we need is something like that to get the extra width required, plus one end to be on rails so it can be moved far enough back to accommodate the length of a track.



I'm not particularly keen on doing it as it adds costs, but if LCC meet those costs then maybe it's a way of generating more income for us.

Moshiri has already decided to go down the more difficult path to generate extra revenues by choosing BM in the first place, so i doubt it's lost on him.
You aren't honestly suggesting that a circular track can't be put inside a square structure are you David
It can, but not in football ground that's going to have a wow factor, or look as though the pitch has been put in as an afterthought.

Besides, why the hell would you go to the enormous expense and inconvenience for a
one off event?
Joe did say that our ground move wasn't conditional on using it for CWG. We can i suppose look into the options at the cost of others & see what can be done. Then refuse it. Look like we tried then get on with the real stadium.

I understand the desire to make a new stadium at BM flexible so it can be used for other events and other sports up to 7 days a week. Financially though, does it stack up? Surely we would need a retractable pitch and a closing roof so we could host these things? How much does a retractable pitch cost and how much does a closing roof cost? I have no idea but the amount of time it would take to pay off these things makes me doubt it would be worth the candle financially. Maybe a footy stadium with bars and restaurants situated nearby is about the best we can expect?
Oval? Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.

I'm sure there'd be a load of blarney talked about how it can be done while retaining the integrity of a football stadium for the future blah blah blah...but it'll look like a disgrace.

This plan never works well for a football club and supporters. Name a time when a stadium has been built to cater to these two activities successfully?

Wembley? 1948 Olympics and Cup Finals etc?
The club has already said that they'd be consulting with the fans regarding the stadium.

Imagine the mere suggestion of a running track to the fans, there would be uproar.

Not happening.

Fan who voted for running track speaks out, "The Commonwealth Games is everything to me" - urges others to sign petition for Commons debate.
I understand the desire to make a new stadium at BM flexible so it can be used for other events and other sports up to 7 days a week. Financially though, does it stack up? Surely we would need a retractable pitch and a closing roof so we could host these things? How much does a retractable pitch cost and how much does a closing roof cost? I have no idea but the amount of time it would take to pay off these things makes me doubt it would be worth the candle financially. Maybe a footy stadium with bars and restaurants situated nearby is about the best we can expect?
Except that the whole point of building a new stadium is for it to work hard and generate extra income to contribute to the football side. To do that we need it to be as multi use as possible and work 24/7 , ideally. A footy stadium with a few bars and restaurants wouldn't even cover its costs at such a location. I doubt it'll be a bowl with a running track though.
Why are we still arguing over a track when no one outside of Everton, Peel or the council have a clue what's going on and more bizarre still why are people guessing and then getting angry over it. It's doing me nut in.

What does my nut in is people trying to second guess what Moshiri's motives are and accusing him of just trying to make a fast buck with absolutely no evidence whatsoever
The man makes more in a day than most of us will earn in a lifetime of working.
I'm sure he's taking all the financial advice from the forum on board.
He obviously came in with a plan (Finch Farm ,Liver building etc) and is not winging it day by day.
These people have more financial acumen and contacts than we could even dream about.
Arsenal were burdened for years with paying back for their stadium and Spurs will be too
We however will comfortably afford to buy the stadium over time and freeing up funds for squad investment etc.
One other thing, Moshiri has said he's here long term.
In the circles these people move in their word is their bond.
If they can't be trusted to keep their word no body will do business with them.
Their deals are done face to face and sealed with handshakes.
Until Moshiri does something wrong why not just sit back and enjoy the ride.
My personal opinion is that Usmanov will get involved with Everton , and Moshiri Usmanov and Corestate amongst others will get involved with a major regeneration of the docks with the new Stadium as the flagship.
That's where they will make their millions but they need the stadium there to entice other investors.
I couldn't give a flying fiddlers fook how much money Moshiri and his co investors make off the docklands but as long as Everton ride to success on their coattails that'll do me fine.

Did anybody see the Documentary on how Abramovich made his millions on TV years ago.
Basically he pit himself up for election in a remote out of the way godforsaken province of Russia.
He told all the locals that if he was elected he would buy them all a herd of deer each.

He duly got elected.
First piece of business was to enact a law that all businesses in the province would pay no taxes on profits.

Second piece of business , moved all his businesses headquarters to the province.
These people could buy and sell everybody on this forum with their forward thinking and that includes @davek and the rest of the naysayers.

Whatever happens it'll be like Finch Farm and the Liver Building and Walsh and

No one will see it coming.
What does my nut in is people trying to second guess what Moshiri's motives are and accusing him of just trying to make a fast buck with absolutely no evidence whatsoever
The man makes more in a day than most of us will earn in a lifetime of working.
I'm sure he's taking all the financial advice from the forum on board.
He obviously came in with a plan (Finch Farm ,Liver building etc) and is not winging it day by day.
These people have more financial acumen and contacts than we could even dream about.
Arsenal were burdened for years with paying back for their stadium and Spurs will be too
We however will comfortably afford to buy the stadium over time and freeing up funds for squad investment etc.
One other thing, Moshiri has said he's here long term.
In the circles these people move in their word is their bond.
If they can't be trusted to keep their word no body will do business with them.
Their deals are done face to face and sealed with handshakes.
Until Moshiri does something wrong why not just sit back and enjoy the ride.
My personal opinion is that Usmanov will get involved with Everton , and Moshiri Usmanov and Corestate amongst others will get involved with a major regeneration of the docks with the new Stadium as the flagship.
That's where they will make their millions but they need the stadium there to entice other investors.
I couldn't give a flying fiddlers fook how much money Moshiri and his co investors make off the docklands but as long as Everton ride to success on their coattails that'll do me fine.

Good post mate.

You are far too sensible for the internet.
Did anybody see the Documentary on how Abramovich made his millions on TV years ago.
Basically he pit himself up for election in a remote out of the way godforsaken province of Russia.
He told all the locals that if he was elected he would buy them all a herd of deer each.

He duly got elected.
First piece of business was to enact a law that all businesses in the province would pay no taxes on profits.

Second piece of business , moved all his businesses headquarters to the province.

These people could buy and sell everybody on this forum with their forward thinking and that includes @davek and the rest of the naysayers.

Whatever happens it'll be like Finch Farm and the Liver Building and Walsh and

No one will see it coming.
Have I got this bit right - you're saying that was a good thing?

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