New Everton Stadium

This thread seemingly a bit silent for your liking so lets get another Joe Anderson debate going.

When you get news you sl*g people off for being unprofessional. You're a massive hypocrite -not just this thread- and seek a rise from people.


Nearly every thread I read on here these days is ruined by the same posters bringing negativity with every post in to every thread they post in. If there wasn't the ignore option, I don't think i'd bother reading this forum.

Also no idea where this 'DaveK often makes good points' argument comes from either. I'd like evidence of a valid and reasonable argument from him that doesn't contain negativity.
How does this count as 'news'?

The RS Echo printing the brain fart of some wacko kopite as being newsworthy. Really?
It's absolutely ludicrous. Some whopper went and did a 4 year journalism course, learns about ethics in journalism, investigative journalism, fact checking, media law, critical thinking, news reporting etc etc...And then writes an article about some kopite fantasist beaut and her MegaAnfield blueprints that look like they were done on a second hand etch-a-sketch. Just cos they're salty about Bramley Moore. Embarrassing for everyone involved....

Other construction groups citing Everton's new stadium as a reason for optimism in the North Docks area.

Seems our move is giving a lot of other projects a kickstart.

  1. Brisan123Player Valuation: £150k
    No one knows what Moshiri's plans are for the future of EFC and Liverpool city and no one will ever know too far in advance. ( except Moshiri himself and maybe Usmanov )
    There will be no body ITK , nobody whose aunts cousins brother in laws best mate who takes out the bins at Finch farm told them the inside track.
    I've worked for the last 35 yrs for a world famous British multinational (Now owned by Americans ) and our main man has always told us there's a 5 yr plan and a 10 yr plan.
    He'd be lucky to know the plans for the next 2 years and we the workers will only be told what we need to be told when we need to be told it.
    It's the way big business works

    Hence Moshiri coming out of nowhere to buy the club , Koeman and Walsh being appointed with no prior rumours
    That's why the Finch Farm sponsorship and the Liverbird announcement came as a shock.
    It's the way these people work and it serves them well.

    Here is one scenario.
    Moshiri gets the stadium built , invests in the team ,gets us CL then sells the best players and the club and walks away with the Lukaku money , The Gana money , The ROSS money oh and the Arteta money.

    Here's another scenario.
    Moshiri has corestate already on board.
    He is buddy's with Asmanov Abramovich and a couple of other Oligarchs

    Corestate look at the Liver building and plans for the new stadium and say.

    Corestate : Hey Mosh the Liver building and the stadium are good investments so we will lend the 300 million.
    Only problem is there's shag all around it so will it make money.

    Mosh. ; Funny you should mention that.
    I was over in Dublin a couple of weeks ago and their old dilapidated dock lands are booming , same with Canary Wharf and waterfronts in NYC and all over the place really.
    People have taken to this waterfront thing big time.

    Corestate. : Yea we've a fair few investments in Waterfront properties ,Offices Retail Leisure Apartments etc.

    Mosh:Yes we know that ,and me and the lads were thinking that all that land going to waste maybe we will buy it and build a convention centre , a massive shopping centre , a couple of theatres , a cineplex
    A Liverpool eye , a kids adventure centre , a restaurant and bar area like Matthew street and Temple bar.
    Then a few hotels from Premier inn to 5 star
    Then maybe a few office blocks and arts area and of course a few thousand apts and duplexes with views of the water.
    Then we will get a few American Tech companies to set up here and my buddies will move their British headquarters here.
    Workers will love it
    Good jobs , cheap( relative to London ) housing and everything on your doorstep.
    We could have a central square with an area for Octoberfest , Christmas markets and all that kind of stuff and big screens to show the World Cup and stuff
    And the stadium would be the centrepiece of the whole thing.
    It would be a long term investment mind. But that's what you do right ???
    Just an idea like.

    Corestate ; Not a bad plan Mosh.
    Send us on the details , the financials and let's know who else is throwing a few quid in the pot and we will get back to you.
    Oh one last thing , all that building is going to create a lot of rubbish ,what'll you do with all that.

    MOSH :No problem lads ,
    There's a septic tank out the back with a loft extension on it , I'll buy that and use it for the rubbish
    Give it consideration though , we all could make a right few quid out of this.
    Oh we will have to get that airport upgraded
    There won't be room on the docks for longships so the Norwegians will have to fly in

    Corestate :Norwegians ?????

    Mosh :Ah it's a long story , I'll tell it to you later.

    Or Mosh could get the stadium built and invest a few quid and surprisingly enough sell to Usmanov.

    We will never know till it happens
    So just sit back and enjoy the ride.
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    Apr 7, 2017Report
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This thread seemingly a bit silent for your liking so lets get another Joe Anderson debate going.

When you get news you sl*g people off for being unprofessional. You're a massive hypocrite -not just this thread- and seek a rise from people.
The amount of time you spout unsubstantiated 'claims' to grid your axe on certain agendas is laughable.
To think I got baned for asking questions to @The Esk because it [supposedly] took the thread 'off topic' & was 'high maintenance' when all you ever seem to do pander a point that you know gets a rise.
Admittedly some of your posts have a degree of sense, but thats masked by your persistence; lets call it Davek slant.

You're a massive hypocrite
a word of advice mate: @davek is only very occasionally not being contrary for contrary's sake. Enjoy his devil's advocacy for what it is; such lends iconoclastic hue (and humour) to the forum.
"Fighting the austerity cuts".

He's cut half a billion from LCC's spending so far.

Let's hope he does a better job of the stadium.

Are u for real?

So Joe personally made those cuts and he personally quoted the amount required by LCC ?

Central budgets and funding cuts are the reason not Joe.... What do you expect him to do if no money is in the pot? Look at the Conservative party no one else...

I enjoy your different views but sometimes your extreme views are beyond belief
People everybody knows what Davek is up to but you all still take the bait, Iknow it's difficult not to respond to his sometimes ridiculous posts but justsit on your hands when you see his posts, I read his posts shake my head and move on it's easy.

Easier said than done when there are 20 of them posted in 5 minutes. By the time you've blocked his posts and ignored the pointless arguments about running tracks (don't start please) it's a damn good forum.

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