New Everton Stadium

Bang out of order, he has already said he is listening to fans and we haven't seen what the design is yet. Couldn't you keep your powder dry until that happens?

However I know you are so against him now anything he does you won't like. I hope he leaks the pictures through other channels first as fan based concepts so we can see your true reaction instead of what we know we will see if you know it's his.
He might be up the job but he comes across like a divvy. Of course he does. The twitter account is embarrassing. Imagine the Kopites getting a running commentary off some walloper like him?

Anyway, here is what I THINK Mr Meis might offer us:

The Olympique Lyonnaise stadium:


That would not be ideal, but it'd be a lot better than the image we saw yesterday. 60k seater.

That should be the minimum we expect.
He might be up the job but he comes across like a divvy. Of course he does. The twitter account is embarrassing. Imagine the Kopites getting a running commentary off some walloper like him?

Anyway, here is what I THINK Mr Meis might offer us:

The Olympique Lyonnaise stadium:


That would not be ideal, but it'd be a lot better than the image we saw yesterday. 60k seater.

That should be the minimum we expect.

The capacity is not his call though is it? Same as if Moshiri wants it to be able to have a running track, he has to just get on with making the space available to fit the track whilst trying his best to get the steep intimate feel. (Although we know these are mutually exclusive without some hocus pocus)

For what it's worth I reckon no 2 stands will be the same and that outline idea had a different level roof. So i can't see it having one single roof structure. (unless slanted to meet the raised parts)

I agree that the lower tier will probably look similar to the stadium you have shown, just on the basis of fitting the track. It might not be the same all around but the rake on the stands and where the upper tier starts will be about right.
He might be up the job but he comes across like a divvy. Of course he does. The twitter account is embarrassing. Imagine the Kopites getting a running commentary off some walloper like him?

Anyway, here is what I THINK Mr Meis might offer us:

The Olympique Lyonnaise stadium:


That would not be ideal, but it'd be a lot better than the image we saw yesterday. 60k seater.

That should be the minimum we expect.

Aren't Lyon going to be a bit upset if he gives us their stadium?

The capacity is not his call though is it? Same as if Moshiri wants it to be able to have a running track, he has to just get on with making the space available to fit the track whilst trying his best to get the steep intimate feel. (Although we know these are mutually exclusive without some hocus pocus)

For what it's worth I reckon no 2 stands will be the same and that outline idea had a different level roof. So i can't see it having one single roof structure. (unless slanted to meet the raised parts)

I agree that the lower tier will probably look similar to the stadium you have shown, just on the basis of fitting the track. It might not be the same all around but the rake on the stands and where the upper tier starts will be about right.
I didn't say capacity was down to Meis.

What we dont want (and I think we ALL agree) is an Etihad. That would be completely unacceptable.

The minimum requirement is for the stands to start a couple of metres from the side of the pitch. The angle of the rake is limited under Taylor's recommendations but should be at the very sharpest end of it and if the corners of the stadium cant be right angles they should not be in any way have dramatic curvature.
A day after a mini-furore erupted on the internet following the release of some early sketcheswhich Dan Meis was at pains to describe as just ideas, he spoke with Press Association Sport’s Carl Markham about his thought process as he and his team go about designing the stadium on Bramley-Moore docks.

Key among his observations is that the history of the club and the ground will play a big part in what the new stadium is going to look like. He has been at pains to assure Toffees that the atmosphere will not be sacrificed, even if a running track for the city’s Commonwealth Games bid in 2022 has to be accommodated within the design.

"So much of where we start isn't about architecture - it is about the stories and the history. We have seen a lot of new-builds not really tick that box. So many clubs have suffered from leaving these very intimate, tiny grounds which people had known for generations into large, new and shiny buildings where it is hard to keep that soul and spirit.

"We are fortunate the club really recognised they are the 'People's Club' and while every new building needs the kind of revenue-generation opportunities (of a new stadium) the club is very clear that it is football first.

"Not every client comes to the table with a vision or a real deep understanding so Everton are way ahead of the game in that regard. That influences the architecture. We instantly know we are going to be a very tight (stadium) with steep stands up from the pitch.

"The fan experience will not be sacrificed by trying to leverage in corporate boxes - we will have some, obviously, as every building needs some - but it was very clear from the client's early direction that every fan is important."

When asked if any elements from Goodison Park would be carried on to the Bramley-Moore facility, he stressed that he has always attempted to draw on local inspiration in his previous projects as well.

"We are looking at that opportunity - there are some very real things there we can translate.

"Everyone knows Goodison was challenged as an old building but there is plenty to love about it.

"I knew the history and my staff and I dove in really deep to understand the history."

The Everton fanbase have been very vocal on what they want to see in the stadium, and have made it a point to interact with the architect on social media, especially Twitter.

"The social media with fans is interesting. There is a consistency in a lot of the messaging such as 'Don't forget about Goodison'.

"I also get potentially crazy ideas but over time there are a lot of great nuggets that are consistent and match the club and what they are passionate about.

"With my architecture you will find walls that lean or areas that are floating above the ground so it doesn't feel they are heavily-weighted into the site.

"What is so exciting is I've worked on waterfront projects before and designs which have very spectacular impact on the skyline but I've never worked with something as potentially iconic with the history of the docks and what that means to Liverpool.

"What we are trying to do is design a stadium to feel like it grew out of the docks and will really belong on that skyline and not be some space object which I could drop anywhere."

Mr. Meis clarified once again that the images contained in the presentation to FC Cincinnati that was seen earlier this week was purely conceptual.

"We don't want to put out imagery until we know what we can accomplish. It is very important to us that what we are designing is what we can deliver in real life.

"That architecture is certainly not architecture for Bramley-Moore but there are snippets of ideas, they are just like sketches in my sketch book."

From what we have seen in his previous work and heard from the man himself, Everton’s future is in safe hands with Dan Meis and we await breathlessly to see the first sketches for the Bramley-Moore stadium.
Skempton and Tom Hughes have always relied on feedback for what they do and have consulted with fans through forums and conferences and that underpinned their ideas of what was appropriate and inappropriate. I've met the former and he is a scholar a gent and a massively talented feller. WTF we have to go to some divvy in L.A. to get this design for I dont know.
Dave come on pal...he may not be your cup of tea but he's not a Divvy.

He might be up the job but he comes across like a divvy. Of course he does. The twitter account is embarrassing. Imagine the Kopites getting a running commentary off some walloper like him?

Anyway, here is what I THINK Mr Meis might offer us:

The Olympique Lyonnaise stadium:


That would not be ideal, but it'd be a lot better than the image we saw yesterday. 60k seater.

That should be the minimum we expect.
I'd love to have a stadium like Lyons :)

This might be controversial but I wish Everton had an Ultras movement like clubs in Europe and Crystal Palace :(
He might be up the job but he comes across like a divvy. Of course he does. The twitter account is embarrassing. Imagine the Kopites getting a running commentary off some walloper like him?

That would not be ideal, but it'd be a lot better than the image we saw yesterday. 60k seater.

That should be the minimum we expect.

He might be up to the job? Have you seen his work? I am pretty sure he is competent and well respected in his field.

What just because he gets nerdly excited about what he does on twitter hes a divvy? FFS that's way too harsh.

Anyway the way you talk in this forum sometimes we could say the same about you, you know...

Have you asked the guys you mentioned who were local whether they were even approached about the architecture or if they know this lad? Are you even friends of them and know for a fact they were interested in being part of it?

Ridiculous here you are again making assumptions as to what process the club does behind closed doors.

And just reading his quotes from that interview backs up what most of us have been saying to you be patient and wait for him to start the process sure as he said "We don't want to put out imagery until we know what we can accomplish. It is very important to us that what we are designing is what we can deliver in real life." I take that to mean he is at very early stages and still knocking out random thoughts and getting excited with certain ideas. Designing is a process mate!! He does his thing and lets everyone else know when hes ready to consult.
And just reading his quotes from that interview backs up what most of us have been saying to you be patient and wait for him to start the process sure as he said "We don't want to put out imagery until we know what we can accomplish. It is very important to us that what we are designing is what we can deliver in real life." I take that to mean he is at very early stages and still knocking out random thoughts and getting excited with certain ideas.

If the club is to move in 2021 as has been said, the planning process needs to start probably end of this year at the latest. Think he'll be a fair way along with things by now.
He might be up to the job? Have you seen his work? I am pretty sure he is competent and well respected in his field.

What just because he gets nerdly excited about what he does on twitter hes a divvy? FFS that's way too harsh.

Anyway the way you talk in this forum sometimes we could say the same about you, you know...

Have you asked the guys you mentioned who were local whether they were even approached about the architecture or if they know this lad? Are you even friends of them and know for a fact they were interested in being part of it?

Ridiculous here you are again making assumptions as to what process the club does behind closed doors.

And just reading his quotes from that interview backs up what most of us have been saying to you be patient and wait for him to start the process sure as he said "We don't want to put out imagery until we know what we can accomplish. It is very important to us that what we are designing is what we can deliver in real life." I take that to mean he is at very early stages and still knocking out random thoughts and getting excited with certain ideas. Designing is a process mate!! He does his thing and lets everyone else know when hes ready to consult.
Some day soon all the talking will stop on this and we'll see the design. Then all will be made plain.

I just hope his plans are more impressive than his public persona.

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