New Everton Stadium

The Blues intend to learn from mistakes made by other clubs and are keen to recreate the unique atmosphere generated at Goodison Park by not losing the proximity to the pitch of their supporters.

“I am constantly baffled by the distances between touchlines and first seats and it seems some stadiums have been built with a very conservative approach to creating that space.

“That’s what I think we should be doing and I’ve said to our design team ‘I want you to challenge regulation. I don’t want you to breach safety rules, but anything that’s an option, a guideline, a regulation, let’s test it, let’s push it.’

really like these quotes. I've never feared about this "athletics track" stuff that people keep believing despite all the evidence, but this puts those murmurs to bed really.
All this Chelsea fans group stuff still has nowt to do with the funding of the new ground though. It's not like they proposed the funding model or have the finances to build it. Abromovic is that guy & the funding model he is using is taking out a loan as we are. There is a slight difference but let's jump up & down on that miniscule detail in the grand scheme of things & ignore the real issue of billionaire's don't fund stadiums, clubs do.
No, there is a fundamental difference in terms of land ownership for a kick off. Everton have to square off Peel at every turn. And in Everton's case funding will be secured against the club's tv and PL performance revenues, they aren't secured by a holding company that the club forms a part of as per Chelsea with their holding company.

It's a completely different dynamic.
No, there is a fundamental difference in terms of land ownership for a kick off. Everton have to square off Peel at every turn. And in Everton's case funding will be secured against the club's tv and PL performance revenues, they aren't secured by a holding company that the club forms a part of as per Chelsea with their holding company.

It's a completely different dynamic.

Why do Everton need to square off Peel at every turn?
No, there is a fundamental difference in terms of land ownership for a kick off. Everton have to square off Peel at every turn. And in Everton's case funding will be secured against the club's tv and PL performance revenues, they aren't secured by a holding company that the club forms a part of as per Chelsea with their holding company.

It's a completely different dynamic.
But they are still taking loans to fund a stadium. That is a fact.

No, there is a fundamental difference in terms of land ownership for a kick off. Everton have to square off Peel at every turn. And in Everton's case funding will be secured against the club's tv and PL performance revenues, they aren't secured by a holding company that the club forms a part of as per Chelsea with their holding company.

It's a completely different dynamic.
You know/believe this how? Because all the details from the council and Everton so far suggest a very different arrangement for financing and one which sees the council acting as guarantors to secure funding(via a Special Purpose Vehicle). At the end of the day how the funding is 'secured' matters little unless the method of security obtains a better rate of lending. However the funds are secured, the loan repayments will still need to be funded from profits made by the club whether that be Chelsea or Everton.

I have no axe to grind here or vendetta against you Davek, it would be good if you could back some of your comments with a logical train of thought or evidence, as that way they look less like cynical rantings. It shouldn't be this easy to poke holes in your arguments, and it is because they seem to be based purely on your opinion and appear to ignore any published facts.

There are things we should scrutinise in this deal, just not the things you seem to be pointing and shouting at. The main one for me is have the council got a better deal out of this than Everton? We pay them a fee for acting as guarantors and they make money from the redevelopment of the area surrounding Bramley Moore. Details of the lender are not available right now, but it is possible that Moshiri or a vehicle he is iinvolved with becomes the lender, and they stand to make money that way, so will we get mates rates or shafted?

The commercial reality is that other people will need to make money out of the deal to make it worth their while to lend the money (in the same way a mortgage works). At least with a shrewd operator like Moshiri in charge he is likely to make sure those making money from the deal are not doing 'too well' out of it.
You know/believe this how? Because all the details from the council and Everton so far suggest a very different arrangement for financing and one which sees the council acting as guarantors to secure funding(via a Special Purpose Vehicle). At the end of the day how the funding is 'secured' matters little unless the method of security obtains a better rate of lending. However the funds are secured, the loan repayments will still need to be funded from profits made by the club whether that be Chelsea or Everton.

I have no axe to grind here or vendetta against you Davek, it would be good if you could back some of your comments with a logical train of thought or evidence, as that way they look less like cynical rantings. It shouldn't be this easy to poke holes in your arguments, and it is because they seem to be based purely on your opinion and appear to ignore any published facts.

There are things we should scrutinise in this deal, just not the things you seem to be pointing and shouting at. The main one for me is have the council got a better deal out of this than Everton? We pay them a fee for acting as guarantors and they make money from the redevelopment of the area surrounding Bramley Moore. Details of the lender are not available right now, but it is possible that Moshiri or a vehicle he is iinvolved with becomes the lender, and they stand to make money that way, so will we get mates rates or shafted?

The commercial reality is that other people will need to make money out of the deal to make it worth their while to lend the money (in the same way a mortgage works). At least with a shrewd operator like Moshiri in charge he is likely to make sure those making money from the deal are not doing 'too well' out of it.
They have no risk. Moshiri has no risk. The club has the risk. Its revenue will be in the hands of the council/club's stadium funders who will take their cash every single year for 40 years and hand the club back the excess. That's the plan.

If they hold no risk, why on earth would they be needed as guarantors. Of course they carry risk, what if Everton get relegated (once or even twice) in that period of time and the revenues to repay the loans are simply not there. Guess who the lenders will go after? That's why they are called a guarantor. Would you be willing to bet £100's millions on Everton never being relegated in 40 years? Again you follow an argument that fits your belief rather than one which has any basis in logic.
It'll be secured by the club's holding company. Ours are secured by Everton's revenue.
No ours will be secured by the SPV! Again not that this matters as in both cases (Chelsea & Everton) the repayments will have to be made from the revenue. That's how lenders decide to lend money by deciding if you have the revenue to repay them. In risky deals like funding stadiums to unpredicatble businesses like football the lenders often want a guarantor (like Amigo Loans) in our case this will be the SPV and you claim for Chelsea it will be a holding company.
Because the stadium is part of their development plans.

I'll have to check, but I'm pretty sure that Everton have effectively bought the land off Peel, and it will be signed over at successful completion of the planning. It's true that there has been some discussion as to what can be built etc, but that was all part of heads of terms. It will be Everton's land, not Peels.
I'll have to check, but I'm pretty sure that Everton have effectively bought the land off Peel, and it will be signed over at successful completion of the planning. It's true that there has been some discussion as to what can be built etc, but that was all part of heads of terms. It will be Everton's land, not Peels.
If you listen to the podcast there is major plans for around Bramley Moore,even more so if we get the CWG
It'll be secured by the club's holding company. Ours are secured by Everton's revenue.
Again with the details. You debated a while ago that the billionaire owners should fund the stadium build but you rather than see your wrong, you find a tiny chunk in the debate & run with it. Both billionaire owners are financing the stadiums through the means of a loan. Done.

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