New Everton Stadium

Running tracks ruin football stadiums, just ask West Ham fans. The proposal for Everton's new stadium is for the athletics track is for it to be temporary, in short it would sit on the seated area so we would not lose the closeness to the fans we want.

Something has to give to make it work unfortunately. From the upper tier you are supposed to see the edge of the pitch, if you have a running track covering the lower tier for the extra width of the track, most running lanes would be underneath the line of sight if the stadium was optimised just for football.

Therefore when it is reverted back to football use you would be able to see the lower tier before the pitch and that means the upper tier is further away/angle of rake is not ideal.

The further away from the pitch the better, maybe the players won't hear you self entitled geordiekopite biffs moaning

I'm not moaning about it, just saying that we are being fed bs. Unless it has temporary or moveable structures* it cannot be football first as we are being told.

Now I'm happy waiting to see what the plans are and maybe there is a solution we haven't thought about or a compromise or they pay the money to make it truely multi-purpose. Whatever we get will still be better than what we have now and personally I have no issues with an Etihad type stadium.

*all the estimates for the cost of the stadium appear as though it could not have these functions and the 30 million the council will pay towards the change would barely make a dent in it. So begs the question, why bother?
I'm not moaning about it, just saying that we are being fed bs. Unless it has temporary or moveable structures* it cannot be football first as we are being told.

Now I'm happy waiting to see what the plans are and maybe there is a solution we haven't thought about or a compromise or they pay the money to make it truely multi-purpose. Whatever we get will still be better than what we have now and personally I have no issues with an Etihad type stadium.

*all the estimates for the cost of the stadium appear as though it could not have these functions and the 30 million the council will pay towards the change would barely make a dent in it. So begs the question, why bother?

How much would movable structures cost?
I'm not moaning about it, just saying that we are being fed bs. Unless it has temporary or moveable structures* it cannot be football first as we are being told.

Now I'm happy waiting to see what the plans are and maybe there is a solution we haven't thought about or a compromise or they pay the money to make it truely multi-purpose. Whatever we get will still be better than what we have now and personally I have no issues with an Etihad type stadium.

*all the estimates for the cost of the stadium appear as though it could not have these functions and the 30 million the council will pay towards the change would barely make a dent in it. So begs the question, why bother?

I wasn't having a go you mate, just in general
I dont think the club have any intention of building a stadium to fit a drop in athletics track.

There's some other agenda at play here.

Having the City blue isn't enough for a turnover when support outside the city is smaller compared to the RS.

The reason their turnover is about to be over £250 million more than ours is because they have a bigger world wide fan base which in turn sells more merchandise,and gets bigger commercial deals.

Do you want the club to be a local club like ala West Ham,Newcastle,Leeds or do you want the club to be aiming higher in the grand scheme of things in the day of modern age football where money rules.

They just played 2 games here in Hong Kong and sold so much merchandise,same all over for them they sell out everywhere here in Asia and Australia getting sellout crowds and lots of $$$ the process from promotors giving them $$$ to play there and selling merchandise.

I respect your views on broadening the local support in the City but the game especially the PL is international now on a massive scale and it's a reason why the big teams in the league go to the states and asia every summer.It's not to play in front of the adoring fans but to milk them and the game promotors for every penny they can get.

It's an important point mate but you can't underestimate the value in Liverpook remaining a predominantly blue City. It is then leading Football City in the Uk and produces enormous talent, and Newcastle, Leeds or East London can't really compare to that.

It kills the Reds as deep down they know this. That they remain second in their own city. Their community efforts are terrible and ours are top draw.

The new stadium should build upon this. At the same time we need to grow our brand and welcome all from outside, but should start from the basis that we continued dominate out home City.

Look at the area of a running track. 40k people will be sat outside of the track perimiter*. How will that not lose 'the closeness to the fans we want'? The pitch is miles away from lane 8.

*I know the CWG will have no event space at the sides.

The plan as I understand it is to place the track on the lower level of seats, so that after the championships it can be removed. The athletics track would be temporary. This is from the architect himself. He has said that the closeness of fans to the pitch is one of the things that makes Goodison unique and he does not want to loose that.

Nobody in their right mind whats what West Ham has, its a great athletics stadium but has NO atmosphere for football.
How much would movable structures cost?

I couldn't give you a valid answer on that as i'm not a civil engineer. However you are talking about moving one half of the stadium 20 to 30M, (if the lower tier is set below ground level then it may just be the upper tiers that need to move though) whatever that is quite a structure to have on rails.

All the utilities would need to move with it, so it's technically challenging and whenever you hear that expensive follows shortly after. At a guess i would say the starting cost to do something like this would add 100 million easily on to the price of the stadium.

Suntan Bob seemed to rule out moveable stands a while back though so can't see it happening.
Personally I'd rather not have Goodison MK2 have any sort of running track or the ability to accommodate one.

The flip side to the argument is that having the games will push on the building of the stadium ensuring it can't drag on any further than 2022. Also it would probably give that area the amenities that would probably take 10 years to develop otherwise.

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