New Everton Stadium

Quarter of a mile away??!! The ground length from the top row of the away end to the far end goal is ~180m (thanks Google Maps). That means that for the line of sight to be a quarter of a mile (digs out calculator for a bit of trigonometry...), the height of the top row seats would be approx. 357m high. Now I know that stand is tall, but I'm fairly sure it ain't that tall lol

EDIT: Just checked, max height of seating in the away end is approx. 60m, so line of sight is around 190m to far end goal
Now that's a post and a half
Fair play to you lad
This. banks are essentially pawnbrokers, but instead of your bits of hooky jewellery, they use bricks and mortar (or concrete in our case) as the collateral and charge you for borrowing the money against it. No such thing as a free lunch, but the Chinese economy has a lot of foreign income and will get better returns investing in such a project rather than the Dung Zhow Ping Pneumatic Tyre factory in Guang Jiu.
Why else did they buy half the Liver building with Moshiri
It certainly wasn't to piss the RS off , that was only a happy accident
Said it from day 1, well nearly anyrate, this whole stadium/council/SPV stuff is all about kick starting the Liverpool Waters build/interest/money.

Its why Mosh's mate at Arsenal bought him out of his Arsenal position, putting him in place to get the stadium done, so he and others can make gazillions from the ensuing stampede into the City.

And with every new update, be it Chinese interest, buying the Liver Building, etc, it just underlines the motives behind it all. It wouldnt surprise me in the least if the CWG "Bid" is nothing more than a convenient fig leaf to allow Mayor Joe to get LCC to underwrite the stadium repayments.
Said it from day 1, well nearly anyrate, this whole stadium/council/SPV stuff is all about kick starting the Liverpool Waters build/interest/money.

Its why Mosh's mate at Arsenal bought him out of his Arsenal position, putting him in place to get the stadium done, so he and others can make gazillions from the ensuing stampede into the City.

And with every new update, be it Chinese interest, buying the Liver Building, etc, it just underlines the motives behind it all. It wouldnt surprise me in the least if the CWG "Bid" is nothing more than a convenient fig leaf to allow Mayor Joe to get LCC to underwrite the stadium repayments.

I think we've been on the same page from day one
I live in Dublin and I've seen the docks turn from a derelict dangerous area full of junkies prostitutes and criminals to a vibrant hub of the city with thousands of jobs , apartments houses , convention centres , hotels bars restaurants etc.
It's happened all over the world and Liverpool is probably next. I come over 5/6 times a year for games now ( used to have a season ticket years ago) and am always amazed at how under developed the docks are
The new cruise terminal and the stadium are only the start as far as I'm concerned.
I can see a proper Beatles museum , hotels apts financial centre etc going in
We are just in the right place at the right time to get a stadium.
But for a big stadium you need a good team to fill it and that's what Moshiri is here for
If he sells down the road he'll make millions selling a big team in a brand new stadium.
If Usmanov doesn't get his way with Kronke he could jump ship , sell his shares to the Nigerian and buy us.
Corestate are real big movers in the real estate market and their buying the Liver building with Moshiri is small fry for them
I've a feeling it'll be their Liverpool Headquarters for the Docks development

Would love a standing section - and ultras. Would be the only stadium in England with an atmosphere.
I doubt it'll happen
Heath and safety plus memories of what can potentially happen will see to that.
The powers that be want a different matchday experience nowadays that involves taking as much cash as possible out of your pocket
Be that on your way into the stadium , in the stadium or on your way out of the stadium.
It's( wrongfully in my opinion ) more about the experience than it is about the football
I doubt it'll happen
Heath and safety plus memories of what can potentially happen will see to that.
The powers that be want a different matchday experience nowadays that involves taking as much cash as possible out of your pocket
Be that on your way into the stadium , in the stadium or on your way out of the stadium.
It's( wrongfully in my opinion ) more about the experience than it is about the football

While this is true of football in general, it is not entirely true if Evertons plans. Yea, they want you spending, but the spending will be going directly into the local economy. I believe Everton are focusing parts of their design on the walk up to the stadium, closing off entire roads to allow a fans walkway, lined with street sellers and local pop-up bars, food places. They need to create an interest as both the home and away support will be coming from predominantly the same direction.

It is about how they create an experience, how they prolong the event past 90 mins, but it's not all solely about just the club making money.

I doubt it'll happen
Heath and safety plus memories of what can potentially happen will see to that.
The powers that be want a different matchday experience nowadays that involves taking as much cash as possible out of your pocket
Be that on your way into the stadium , in the stadium or on your way out of the stadium.
It's( wrongfully in my opinion ) more about the experience than it is about the football

For the first point, I know what you're saying, but just because a mistake was made once doesn't mean we should completely stop. Car accidents happen every day, yet most people still drive to work. And look at the Germans, they seem to be enjoying it quite a bit.

And yes, you're right about the powers. They don't care about us, only our money. Although Everton is one of the last clubs in England that do care about the fans, and definitely the last great club. And we would get a much larger fanbase locally if our tickets were considerably cheaper (such as that of Bundesliga teams) at our new stadium -- it would fill seats too.

And I think the football should be left to the people in charge. The experience is what most people go to. Most people don't go to the game for quality football, they go for the experience. That's what makes going to the game special. Mate, if it's quality football people were after Everton would not have sold a single seat in the late 90s. Yet we sold out Goodison quite a bit. I would've given my arm to be at Goodison at the Fiorentina game -- not for the football, but for the Old Lady literally bouncing. It's the experience and memories, and the atmosphere. Not saying I don't want us to be a quality team, but going to Goodison (or the new stadium) should be for the experience and memories, not just to watch quality football because we can do that at home with our televisions.

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