New Everton Stadium

Dave, there is nothing about the stadium that is on hold. Things take time and when they all fall into place allowing a more formal presentation, we will all find out about it. I'm not sure why you take the view that you do.... years of Evertonian experience, a miserly outlook, or just pure WUM, but there will be a stadium built at Bramley Moore Dock, and Everton will be playing there, they will also be playing there for the 2021/2022 season all being well during the construction phase. You are panning the club for not saying enough, but calling the Architect flaky because he's engaging with the fans. If you don't like the style of that engagement, then fair enough, but you cant hate that he's doing it, if you hate on others for not.

Just ignore him mate, he seems to think schemes as big as this can be done and dusted in the drop of a hat, really is no point trying to explain the amount of planning that will go into such a major project.
A giddy stadium designer tweeting bits and pieces of "info" he's largely responsible for generating himself is different than wanting solid news from the club. There is no contradiction there.

That solid news has dried up, btw.

The responsibility of this club is to keep everyone informed, no matter what stage this is at. You surely cant be saying that it's right that these people last March came out giving us fireworks and the full bells and whistles announcement about this stadium scheme and then subsequently offer nothing other than an aside once or twice since?

Their communications are abysmal. If I and others are now doubtful about the realisation of this scheme you shouldn't be complaining about us, you should recognise that the club has a pathetically Victorian "them and us" mind-set that needs an enema to clear out in order to engage with its fanbase.

What I don't understand Dave, is what exactly do you want them to tell you? The size of the Substation required? The Maximum demand calculations? The size of the main sewer connection? The sun path analysis results?

Or is it something a bit more overarching that you want? Do you want to know the intricacies of the payments structure, from whom and when? Who is helping to fund it?

What would appease you? I personally would much rather they got all they need together, and packaged it up to answer all the questions in one go. A wise man once told me, measure twice, cut once. I hope that they are putting that mantra to use in this project. A job that will be this closely scrutinised by the fanbase from the moment the designs become public, and rightly so, cannot afford to have huge changes after the initial release, they have to get it right first time and I'm sure that's something they're acutely aware of. They will not be of a mind to release snippets here and there just to keep a few people happy.

There is a point here that I think we fundamentally disagree on. The responsibility of the club and the people they employ is to deliver a stadium that we are all proud of and will visit for many, many years to come, take our children to and god willing, witness the presentation of numerous trophies we have won whilst being there. I would rather they had their full focus on that rather than choosing which meaningless snippets to release that will ultimately have no effect on the final result.

I must have missed the fireworks with the announcement by the way, much less the bells and whistles. All I saw was a very matter of fact statement that we had signed on the land and a lot of extra digging done by fan groups, local and fan media. I hope I never missed anything. Even the rejection of Stonebridge Cross as a site was very understated, if indeed it was even the club who said that officially (I think it may have been Joe Anderson)

I understand why people might think this is taking forever, really I do, but in reality it isn't. It is maybe best for me to just understand that whatever they do, in your opinion it will be wrong. I'm getting there Dave, be patient with me.
Just ignore him mate, he seems to think schemes as big as this can be done and dusted in the drop of a hat, really is no point trying to explain the amount of planning that will go into such a major project., no point in any of us getting an explanation. We're all too thick to understand.

No wonder this club are still taking the piss after three failed stadium schemes in 20 years., no point in any of us getting an explanation. We're all too thick to understand.

No wonder this club are still taking the piss after three failed stadium schemes in 20 years.

Elstone involved in 2 of them how’s he still here working on another?

I was very optimistic a year ago, my optimism has turned into suspicion.

I feel like this has already got the hallmarks of the previous failures on stadiums and we are all burying our heads to it.
What I don't understand Dave, is what exactly do you want them to tell you? The size of the Substation required? The Maximum demand calculations? The size of the main sewer connection? The sun path analysis results?

Or is it something a bit more overarching that you want? Do you want to know the intricacies of the payments structure, from whom and when? Who is helping to fund it?

What would appease you? I personally would much rather they got all they need together, and packaged it up to answer all the questions in one go. A wise man once told me, measure twice, cut once. I hope that they are putting that mantra to use in this project. A job that will be this closely scrutinised by the fanbase from the moment the designs become public, and rightly so, cannot afford to have huge changes after the initial release, they have to get it right first time and I'm sure that's something they're acutely aware of. They will not be of a mind to release snippets here and there just to keep a few people happy.

There is a point here that I think we fundamentally disagree on. The responsibility of the club and the people they employ is to deliver a stadium that we are all proud of and will visit for many, many years to come, take our children to and god willing, witness the presentation of numerous trophies we have won whilst being there. I would rather they had their full focus on that rather than choosing which meaningless snippets to release that will ultimately have no effect on the final result.

I must have missed the fireworks with the announcement by the way, much less the bells and whistles. All I saw was a very matter of fact statement that we had signed on the land and a lot of extra digging done by fan groups, local and fan media. I hope I never missed anything. Even the rejection of Stonebridge Cross as a site was very understated, if indeed it was even the club who said that officially (I think it may have been Joe Anderson)

I understand why people might think this is taking forever, really I do, but in reality it isn't. It is maybe best for me to just understand that whatever they do, in your opinion it will be wrong. I'm getting there Dave, be patient with me.
You make light of this by implying that it's all about mundane decisions over nuts and bolts issues at this stage. Well it isn't. There are substantive issues that require unpacking. The club has needed to roll out not only the state of play but its vision for this stadium (with or without renderings). Why has consultation taken place but no acknowledgement or feedback been given on it? What has been the club's reaction to the CWG bid been?

If the club doesn't fill that vacuum of curiosity by giving feedback on developments that could cut across the scheme's viability then guess what happens? Yes, that's right, people fill it for them by assuming that it's gone pear shaped.

I say again: where's the vision? why have the club allowed a washed up local politician and a flaky designer on twitter to make the running on keeping their own customer/fanbase abreast of developments, continued viability and vision of where the scheme takes us?

You make light of this by implying that it's all about mundane decisions over nuts and bolts issues at this stage. Well it isn't. There are substantive issues that require unpacking. The club has needed to roll out not only the state of play but its vision for this stadium (with or without renderings). Why has consultation taken place but no acknowledgement or feedback been given on it? What has been the club's reaction to the CWG bid been?

If the club doesn't fill that vacuum of curiosity by giving feedback on developments that could cut across the scheme's viability then guess what happens? Yes, that's right, people fill it for them by assuming that it's gone pear shaped.

I say again: where's the vision? why have the club allowed a washed up local politician and a flaky designer on twitter to make the running on keeping their own customer/fanbase abreast of developments, continued viability and vision of where the scheme takes us?

The reaction was that it was a shame Liverpool wasn't chosen, but it doesn't make any difference to Evertons stadium. They said that at the Shareholders meeting on the 5th October.

What have they allowed Meis or Anderson to release? Anderson, I think, was the one who said something about SBC, but then why not, that decision would likely have a bigger effect on Anderson than it would Everton. What solid commitments has Meis made other than fairly wooly statements about being ingratiated in the ethos of the club?
If the club doesn't fill that vacuum of curiosity by giving feedback on developments that could cut across the scheme's viability then guess what happens? Yes, that's right, people fill it for them by assuming that it's gone pear shaped.

How often would you like them to come out and say 'all is well'? Once a month? Every week? Twice a day?

Every now and again someone comes out and says something to that effect! The latest saying we still expect to be playing there for the start of the 21/22 season despite the CWG decision. To get it ready for that date you would think the builders need to start working on the actual structure by Aug 2019, probably preparing the site (draining etc.) By late 2018/early 2019. Planning permission would have to be got and approved by mid next year, (giving time to allow possible amendments to come from this) that will enable us to finally purchase the land. So if there is going to be delays/we are struggling with the whole scheme we will know about it pretty soon.

Of course the club could give us more details. Carefully managed press statements, getting us all worked up in anticipation, but that doesn't mean it still wouldn't fail does it? At the end of the day it will either work or it won't. With all the other failed projects that we have had in the past there is a clear point you know things have gone pear shaped; KD we failed to hit the deadline to put up our share to secure it, Kirkby the government canned it, WHP can't even be classed as an attempt as there was never any factual signs we would ever move there.

What's the point in worrying about something we have zero control over.
You make light of this by implying that it's all about mundane decisions over nuts and bolts issues at this stage. Well it isn't. There are substantive issues that require unpacking. The club has needed to roll out not only the state of play but its vision for this stadium (with or without renderings). Why has consultation taken place but no acknowledgement or feedback been given on it? What has been the club's reaction to the CWG bid been?

If the club doesn't fill that vacuum of curiosity by giving feedback on developments that could cut across the scheme's viability then guess what happens? Yes, that's right, people fill it for them by assuming that it's gone pear shaped.

I say again: where's the vision? why have the club allowed a washed up local politician and a flaky designer on twitter to make the running on keeping their own customer/fanbase abreast of developments, continued viability and vision of where the scheme takes us?
No one's making light of it. The problem is that you're one of the only people who believes they have this obligation, and I'm sure they realize (if they think about it at all) that they would never please you anyway, so they rightly do nothing.
31st July, Elstone on the OS:

"The Key Principles document – a document which will be made public in the next few weeks to set out our ambitions for our new home at Bramley Moore Dock."

19th September from the OS:

"Everton is continuing to engage with key stakeholders over the new stadium project. A document will be released shortly by the Club in which Everton’s key principles for the development of a new stadium at Bramley Moore Dock - and an enduring legacy at Goodison Park – will be explained and shared."

Still no key principles document.

Then some wonder why many of us believe slippage is taking place here in the Everton stadium scheme tradition.

Maybe we'll have it by Christmas?

31st July, Elstone on the OS:

"The Key Principles document – a document which will be made public in the next few weeks to set out our ambitions for our new home at Bramley Moore Dock."

19th September from the OS:

"Everton is continuing to engage with key stakeholders over the new stadium project. A document will be released shortly by the Club in which Everton’s key principles for the development of a new stadium at Bramley Moore Dock - and an enduring legacy at Goodison Park – will be explained and shared."

Still no key principles document.

Then some wonder why many of us believe slippage is taking place here in the Everton stadium scheme tradition.

Maybe we'll have it by Christmas?

An announcement of a second tier above the magnificent Park End will be a clear indication that we have some slippage @davek!
31st July, Elstone on the OS:

"The Key Principles document – a document which will be made public in the next few weeks to set out our ambitions for our new home at Bramley Moore Dock."

19th September from the OS:

"Everton is continuing to engage with key stakeholders over the new stadium project. A document will be released shortly by the Club in which Everton’s key principles for the development of a new stadium at Bramley Moore Dock - and an enduring legacy at Goodison Park – will be explained and shared."

Still no key principles document.

Then some wonder why many of us believe slippage is taking place here in the Everton stadium scheme tradition.

Maybe we'll have it by Christmas?

Wow, that's pretty damning stuff
Wow, that's pretty damning stuff

The thing about it is that @Jacko93 , @The binman chronicles and @originalgreaserbob above all believe that there's no obligation for the club to provide a vision for us to ponder over at this stage and that it'd all be mundane minor technical stuff and not worth hearing about if they did report back and update. But there we have it from the club themselves acknowledging that they need to provide that visionary document...but they just haven't done that (which was and is my gripe).

Will we see it anytime soon? After stating 3 months ago that it'd be a few weeks before publication I wouldn't advise anyone to hold their breath.

I dont know if things are on track. Possibly/probably. But the argument stands that if the club dont fill the vacuum of info they promised to fill with an overarching prospectus then others will do it for them.

Comes down as per usual with the Everton Victorian Football Club to wretched communications.
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