New Everton Stadium

We haven’t been relegated for 60odd years. And I can’t see it happening anytime soon.

I’m no expert but surely the extra gate revenue, cooperate boxes and bigger sponsorship deals because of the new stadium/location will easily cover the loan.

How much were we paying back all those years under kenwright, when we had big debts?

We literally hired Fa Sam Allardyce THIS SEASON to "save" us from relegation.

Every other club that's done that has stayed up initially but then gone down a year or so after he leaves.
You should know better than to make statements like that as an Evertonian. It would be the most 'Everton' thing in the world for us to move in to our new stadium on the first day of a season after we've just been relegated.[/QUOTE
We literally hired Fa Sam Allardyce THIS SEASON to "save" us from relegation.

Every other club that's done that has stayed up initially but then gone down a year or so after he leaves.
It was a panic appointment. We were 13th when he took over, not bottom
Hi. Having worked with Tracy Crouch, she is passionate about sport and ensuring supporters have a great experience. She is very level headed and thorough and loves football. She's an FA coach and runs girl's football if I remember and big Spurs fan (and NFL). If she has decided that they are not progressing with safe standing it will because she looked heavily into it and listened to sound advice. She definitely does not think football fans are thugs as she is very much a fan herself. Sadly recent images in UK football have really not helped and we all know football violence seems to be making a bit of a comeback.

Sorry mate but this is clearly not true, even the group she claims to have consulted (SGSA) say that safe standing would be safer than the current situation of standing in seated areas.

The new quotes from her only illustrate her lack of understanding or research on the matter.
The opinions of bitter and uknowledgeable football supporters will have no bearing on this project. The deal will quite rightly be scrutinised by the experts involved and if there are significant risks then it will also rightly be challenged.

It does make me laugh how these bitter Reds think that Joe Anderson will just be able to slip this past those involved with huge risks to the council, all so he can make a name for himself and do the club a favour.

This will be their most bitter act and they will try.

Will someone, someone please please lift the curse that is the RS from over our heads. Never has a club/institution suffered so much from an external source as we have. Truly despise them the delusional non-descripts!

(Rant over)

They're not a curse, they're barely a relevance any more. They won't stop this stadium happening, they're a bunch of nobody's.
The thought of us delivering a riverside iconic stadium haunts them.

They’ll give it the ‘we want the best for our City’ line throughout, it just poorly masks the bile though.

They HATE the idea of it actually happening, it’s not part of their ‘pat the Blues on the head’, ‘they’ll be sound in Knowsley’ ideal for what should happen to EFC.

Insincere agenda monkeys like this fella should be exposed for what they truly are, it’s what the kopites would do if the boot was on the other foot.

Like smashing the other team's coach, but you know what they do not see that they did anything wrong!!!
No matter how many times it’s said that it won’t be coming from Liverpool taxpayers funding, they will still harp on about us getting a free stadium whilst Queens drive has more potholes than Bob Marley’s Lacoste tracksuit.

True, that is what I was explaining way back in my post, but the message was not understood.
Naming rights could easily be £20 million per year....maybe even more. It will be the top ground and event stadia i the north.

Imo, events and naming rights alone will pay the loan and interest.

HHMMMM USM Btramley Moore! welcome on board Ussie!! Just shove us another half billion please.

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