Is this confirmation of Arteta as our new manager?
Is this confirmation of Arteta as our new manager?
I had to do a double take when I saw him too lolIs this confirmation of Arteta as our new manager?
The interest rate for 25 year loans from the Public Works Loans Board yesterday was 2.6%, which is up from the 2.26% at the turn on the year. This gives the need for the Council to pay a total of about £381m or about £15.25m a year. The club would have to pay this and the additional £7m, giving a total of just over £22m a year. I have neglected the PWLB fees for arranging the loan. (They have to borrow the money in the first place.)
I doubt that the Council will take out only one loan, though. They will more likely take out over 20 of various lengths and interest rates. (Short term rates are much lower than loans of 25 years.)
What makes you think that is a stadium render?
Is this confirmation of Arteta as our new manager?
Roydo I’ve told you before stop teasing them.Lets assume that figure is ballpark. (Not a clue me)
The key answer to your question is realistic to who?
Partly - by that I mean the issues they've faced more recently. Lots of deals with Jorge Mendes inc. some where players were bought for big money and simply weren't good enough so were loaned out or sold at a big loss. Other times they've sold big stars fir huge fees which wasn't put back into the team.
All started when the property market crashed in the late 00's. When the bubble burst the value of the real estate crashed and so they couldn't sell the Mestalla (prime land in Valencia) at the value they needed to finish the new stadium. (I remember seeing the mock ups of the new stadium and when finished it was going to be like the Wanderlei but without the roof).
I've been to the Mestalla and although it's not a huge stadium (45k ish IIRC) the atmosphere is incredible.
Los Che fans are very passionate, very noisy and at that time tickets were sold out for all games way in advance.
p.s. - new to the site and been going through this thread over the last week or two. Exciting times ahead !
World War 3 looming.
A good excuse for a further delay in putting the spade into the ground.
I'm very confident that it is as that render, or will at least be heavily based upon the form that you can see there .
We won the league before the last two.World War 3 looming.
A good excuse for a further delay in putting the spade into the ground.
We won the league before the last two.
Get in.
Swings and roundabouts mate.lollollol
It won’t be called world war 3World War 3 looming.
A good excuse for a further delay in putting the spade into the ground.
I remember when that picture was first shown and someone on this forum tweeted Dan Meis about it and his reply was "It's not ours". Besides the gaps don't appear on the Burohappold version.
The gaps do appear to be on the original as shown above.