Player Valuation: £35m
Who's your good source please?
Good luck with that
My guess is HP
Who's your good source please?
Been told by a very good source that the only game in town funding-wise is still via the council, and that priivate investors are still not interested in taking up any (never mind all) of the heavy lifting.
Take or leave.
Seems to go against what Anderson said recently though mate. Something will have to give, one way or another.
It's a source and therefore remains unattributed.Dave do you have some info to backup your contention or is this just a feeling of yours?
I know. That's what was said to me too when told that council funding is the only game in town with zero private sector funding on the horizon.Seems to go against what Anderson said recently though mate. Something will have to give, one way or another.
I know. That's what was said to me too when told that council funding is the only game in town with zero private sector funding on the horizon.
My source said that Usmanov has already written us a cheque for 600m.
As said, in all seriousness, funding-wise it has been underlined to me that the LCC offer is the best the club has come up with. Politically that's explosive so I really cant see any substantial movement on this, if at all.
Original planned date was 2020/21 season, we’re now looking at the 2021/22 season and that seems unlikely at present.
Afternoon mate, sorry to bother you but these missed deadlines, can't find them anywhere! Any chance you could help with my problem?Would that be the bit where it says 'hope' to be in by 2020/21?
Now the way I see it is 'hope' is hardly a definitive deadline that's been missed is it. More doom mongering and very little substance to back up your fears. As per.
Apologies, I can’t go full Columbo on this at the moment, I’m in work.Afternoon mate, sorry to bother you but these missed deadlines, can't find them anywhere! Any chance you could help with my problem?
Ah. I see. So not actually a deadline as such then, just one you imagined. Thought as much. Anyway, thanks for your 'help'Apologies, I can’t go full Columbo on this at the moment, I’m in work.
Though, ‘hoping’ to move in, in 2020/21 has changed to now ‘hoping’ to move in, in 2021/22, think that is a clear indication that the club has not progressed as quickly as they though they would, don’t you think?
So you don’t think the club had set KPIs in their stadium project that resulted in them ‘hoping’ to be in the stadium by 2020/21? Are you seriously that naive?Ah. I see. So not actually a deadline as such then, just one you imagined. Thought as much. Anyway, thanks for your 'help'
...latest plans for Anfield surprisingly rejected by the City Council;
That will make them very restless when it comes to BMD.
Not many residents around the BMD area, so cant see it affecting us.