The timeline doesn’t bother me. It’s the apparent scaling back of ambition from Everton that’s annoying. Whether the club said it or not, the architect they employed turned up at events organised by them and showed diagrams showing a home stand in comparison to the yellow wall at Dortmund, bigger than the kop. He said it would be state of the art and iconic. He talked about building the best club stadium in England. He said the capacity might be an open question but then cryptically tweeted about 61,878 multiple times. He also promised pictures in a few weeks. That was a year ago.
Since then, no pictures, the capacity has been scaled back to one that’s now smaller than every other top 6 stadium’s existing capacity even those looking to expand further! And leaked documents showed a generic stadium scaled back significantly in comparison to those initial diagrams seen. All the time during this the club have again said absolutely nothing allowing the timeline slip by a year without saying anything. It’s their modus operandi. Ever since Elstone’s time they’re absolutely terrified of engaging with fans so just say absolutely nothing.
It’s about expectation setting. If the club had been looking at city centre sites then said they were going to build a 52k stadium on the waterfront and put a realistic timeline on it then everyone would have been buzzing about getting the waterfront.
Instead they allowed other people such as Meis and Anderson to come out with timelines that have been completely unrealistic and there’s the sinking feeling that the initial designs may also be unrealistic too. I’d actually respect the club if they were just honest and fake out and said ‘ you know what guys it was harder and more expensive than we thought so we’ve scaled it down and it’s going to be late’. People could accept that and still be positive about a new stadium on the Mersey. I stead they say absolutely nothing. Every press release is more guff telling people precisely nothing. Whole presentations with no more new news whatsoever in it.
They’re just an absolute cowardly exec team who approach everything absolutely soiling their pants going for a safety first cautious down playing approach with a comms plan of saying nothing hoping the fans base don’t notice. They’ve done it for years and after a while you just get sick of it. The phantom retail development behind the park end, the WHP that was basically Bill’s day dream as he passed in his car. All cancelled with barely a word to the fan base.