If you had a choice between kings dock or Bramley which would you choose?
What would you like it to look like?
noDid anyone else start crying when the siren started? Still got a lump in my throat.
Looks like a wedding marquee.I see what they're trying to do by incorporating a warehouse design, but then they fuse futuristic with it...and it doesn't blend.
I'd like something with clear simple lines and rectangular. The Bordeaux stadium is aesthetically pleasing. It's simple but stunning for my money....
Get those blue searchlights criss- crossing a dark moody sky, followed by sirens, followed by z cars... Oh my days!Amazing design, has the goodison feel yet with new architecture. I'm blown away tbh. Can you imagine how stunning that would look inside and on the outside especially on night matches lighting up the Mersey. Bring it on
My heads already spinning with the walk through.Just sign up to The Peoples Project....got the full video with sirens , z cars etc.