Had a read through the transport planning documents and two things jumped out at me..
Firstly, they expect people to stay in the stadium site after matches for longer than they do now, spreading out transport demand. However they only mention the fan park as a way to encourage people to do this, not concourse bars. Hope this is wrong as I’m not sure the fan park is going to be that enticing post game on winter / wet / evening matches.
Secondly, they want over a third of fans to go by train, which is fair enough, but state that the nearest station, Sandhills, will only allow 2,500 fans an hour to board trains. This despite there being 10000 capacity per hour on the trains stopping at Sandhills. That’s just seems crazy and a massive hole in the plan, as it requires 2/3rds of fans using trains to walk 25-30 mins to other stations further away just to board the same trains.