New Everton Stadium

falls outside the world heritage site

Not sure on the exact boundaries of the WHS, but I'm guessing the Carbuncle Cup nominated Neptune Development is defo within the boundary. I mean, it's literally next to the Three Graces. Be interesting to know how Unesco etc deemed this to be worthy...

I only pipe up on here when something stadium related comes up. The design changes would have needed to be done, the post regarding cost of engineering bespoke trusses for the roof design will more than likely be a part of it.

They’ve been testing our stadium in wind tunnels for a while now, they’ll also be looking at general mechanical ventilation, wind effects on facade and structure, aerodynamic design for sports events and most importantly pedestrian comfort and safety.

The latter part of that is more than likely the reason why the car park has gone. The risk of current fuels close to a capacity stadium with the addition of wind being on a dock for fires to spread and potentially in future battery fuel cells going up in a cramped environment causing a risk to fans.

There is potentially the addition of winds battering the local area causing damage to the stadium. If the models they’re testing lift at any point during the tests in 110/130mph wind then the risk of having a high roof is far too great to press ahead with the plans. If you’re asking why it wasn’t so much of a problem for Spurs stadium then it’s a built up area far inland, not exposed to the elements as much.

Have faith, the stadium is going ahead, let them tweak to satisfy all design experts and local trusts and they’ll get the projects underway.
Not sure on the exact boundaries of the WHS, but I'm guessing the Carbuncle Cup nominated Neptune Development is defo within the boundary. I mean, it's literally next to the Three Graces. Be interesting to know how Unesco etc deemed this to be worthy...

Thought myself that they are ugly buildings. Whoever passed that through in planning needs sacking. The architect said it would complement the 3 graces. What a joke
Not sure on the exact boundaries of the WHS, but I'm guessing the Carbuncle Cup nominated Neptune Development is defo within the boundary. I mean, it's literally next to the Three Graces. Be interesting to know how Unesco etc deemed this to be worthy...

yeah IIRC there was murder over that because they weren’t supposed to obstruct the view of the three graces. But after they were built you can’t see them from the strand by L1.

I did think safe standing can be done to double the capacity in that space. If I remember correctly from.the initial plans the seat is on a step with a step below for yr feet. When the seat is stored a person can stand where the seat has been and another person on the step below. Could be wrong though

It depends how safe standing is implemented. In Germany it does increase the capacity, dortmunds stadium goes from over 65,000 all seater, to over 81,000 with the standing sections. So it can be done, just depends on if the premier league ever agrees to it.
yeah IIRC there was murder over that because they weren’t supposed to obstruct the view of the three graces. But after they were built you can’t see them from the strand by L1.

It's become my 'stock' reply to kopites who now seem to think that Unesco etc will never allow this....

Me - "They allowed this ugly thing at the Pier Head"

Kopite - "But, err, err..."

Me - "Yeah?"

Kopite - "Well, they shouldn't have done"

Me - "Koff lad, they're not stopping this"

Compare that to this lego monstrosity


Great big patch of empty, open land on the edge of the city, by a highway. Builds probably don't get any easier. Nothing like building around an existing stadium in a cramped corner of North London, or on a dock with heritage assets around the perimeter. These guys have it so easy. :dodgy:

Is LV far from LA, doesn't seem very fair on the fans to move far away. I could google just making conversation. In my younger days I used to follow a bit of NFL and Miami Dolphins/LA Raiders were 2 teams I liked, I had a load of LA Raiders gear much to the amusement of my mates.
I like the steps and viewing plaza although I think the weather will be good enough to sit out and enjoy it about once a year if we are lucky!

We've had some great weather this year, besides it'll be active throughout the week. They'll be popular in the summer months and the experience of watching the ships and ferries will set us apart from the rest.

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