New Everton Stadium

Not sure on the exact boundaries of the WHS, but I'm guessing the Carbuncle Cup nominated Neptune Development is defo within the boundary. I mean, it's literally next to the Three Graces. Be interesting to know how Unesco etc deemed this to be worthy...

Well obviously this looks more in keeping with surroundings than our stadium! :Blink:This is why people think of these organisations as useless jobsworths.
My god that's pathetic! They must be taking the pish! Millions of pounds worth of investment and development of a wasteland and they're recommending it to be refused:rant:.
I'm sure there are people who hate the city and want it to fail.
I must admit, I am struggling to understand English Heritage's reasoning here. Especially when compared to what's been developed in the other derelict docks. Including a stadium.

I do find myself wondering if there are any Liverpool supporters currently sitting in the decision making rooms of English Heritage.

Tell them to go and have a look at Otterspool as it is now.

This is nonsense. It is next to a sewage plant of all things. World heritage my hoop.

Was down there yesterday, had to take my car into the missus garage to get new tyre pressure sensors fitted, 60 bloody quid each, thankfully I didnt have to pay, but I digress. I walked along the Dock Road, I saw a big mountain of metal fillings, it was HUGE! I saw a massive cement factory and then as I get near the sewage plant my God did it stink.

The whole area is a cesspit and it needs MASSIVE money to make it look less than that.

Historic England Statement:

We would like this dock to remain closed to the public so no one can see its beauty or what used to go on until global warming causes the rises which will mean the area will be lost to the sea.

In over news, we are devising a plan to put a large tent over Stonehenge to protect the monument so that future generations can see this, well the painting on the side of the tent anyhow and allows us to see inside without the riff raff being around.

100% this

These are the kinda (Insert appropriate word here), who will say no to anything, no matter how beneficial it is to the community in-terms of jobs, legecy, needed housing or economic boost.

I suspect they are also the kinda (Insert appropriate word here), who climb trees to block construction, protest because of a fairy trail & god knows what else!

But, at the moment, it is my belief that the club are happy to have the delays, it gives them the chance to ride covid out a bit and see what the next chapter for the PL & stadia brings. While they wont publicly admit it, no-one inside the club would want to lay a brick tomorrow if they got the green light.
I must admit, I am struggling to understand English Heritage's reasoning here. Especially when compared to what's been developed in the other derelict docks. Including a stadium.

I do find myself wondering if there are any Liverpool supporters currently sitting in the decision making rooms of English Heritage.
and in the mean time we have a ground that looks like a retail shed visable to anybody looking at the city from the Wirral side and most of the moterways leading into the city from the northern direction into Liverpool.
A massive pile of scrap and a sewrage plant right on the waterfront,
but they want to block a state of the art ground and a massive investment into one of the poorest areas of the country,
tell them to fk off, bet not one of them lives or every lived in the northend of Liverpool.,
Its an important part if not the most important at present, peice of the jigsaw to drag Liverpool towards a future that could be decent.
We cant live in city thats more chained to its history than its future .
As I feared, they want the purest form of conservation, with the dock left untouched. This is the contradiction between the WHS and Enterprise Zone designations. The conservation groups want to retain all of the docks and limit buildings to the existing footprint, whilst Peel Holdings would want maximise the development value. Peel originally wanted to do this by building tower blocks, but Unesco are digging their heels in on tall buildings.

The net result is the lack of interest from investors and developers. It is a no-win situation, as nobody seems to have come forward with viable proposals to build whilst retaining the docks.

You would imagine something has to give here, and the Club has gambled on the notion that losing only one of the docks would not be viewed as substantial harm to the WHS. I think that is absolutely true in this case, since the dock is derelict and is not a draw in it's own right, and the surrounding area is generally grotty, with the container port, sewage works and unattractive industrial buildings all around.

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