New Everton Stadium

Farcical objections from these dress up beauts, but I expected nothing less and they need to join us in the real world - the area is a bloody shithole, there's bugger all there but they would worry that filling in the dock and removing the water significantly damages the area and status?!?

It will be passed through in the blink of an eye, if the SOS isn't an idiot......oh dear, we might be in trouble!

Sounds like they are not bothered about the stadium itself, its that they dont want the dock filled in? Seriously?

From the article

The dock has planning permission for residential development so there are potential alternative solutions that could retain the water-filled dock whilst developing the currently derelict area. We do not believe that the city faces a stark choice between dereliction or football stadium.

We have had extensive and productive discussions with the Club about how best to develop the new stadium at Bramley-Moore Dock and understand the attraction of this exceptional location. There is a strong desire to build a new stadium that is sensitive to its surroundings and context. This is highlighted by the positive enhancements made to the design of the stadium over the summer.

However, we consider that the proposal to infill the dock would fundamentally change its historic character as a water-filled basin which so clearly tells the story of the docks and has contributed to its status as a World Heritage Site. The loss of the water would result in substantial harm to the significance of the Grade II listed Bramley-Moore Dock and cause harm to the World Heritage Site.

What a load of B/S. Keep a dock full of dirty water!!!! What historic character is there in that? If hoses or flats can be built how does that preserve apart from keeping a dock full; of dirty water? Have these clowns ever visited the site?

LCC should lodge an objection.
As if the tories will stop it going ahead, these gangsters will be desperate for any sort of economic boost after they have completely trashed the UKs economic prospects as well as reputation.
We should be more worried about the IRA blowing it up when they restart their war if the tory scumbags trash the good Friday agreement too.

Nonsense it will suit the gov't to have this stimulus to the economy of a depressed region.
Yes lets put flats down there so people from around the globe can buy them to speculate on or rent out,
The rush of investor's from liverpool 4/5 will be a mile long i am sure, or may be not in reality the locals could only dream of a lottery win to buy one while thier area continues to go further down the hill like it has for decades the lack of investment in jobs and the general area of north liverpool is scandalous .
makes me sick the jumped up dickheads,.
Let the plebs live in dog muck,so long as we are ok in are high towers.
Let them look down to the waterfront to see how the other half live.
I used to work on Huskisson dock other than the water tower and the clock there is nothing worth worrying about down there , and they are staying, other than that its various sheds and semi derelict land.
Wind me up this shower.
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LCC will 99% likely grant planning permission noting the objections and leave it to the Secretary of State (or more accurately his advisory group) to decide if the objections have enough merit to call it in. They may decide not to call it in or they may call it in and then approve it...or not. If approved, which I think remains highly likely, I do not believe it is probable HE or UNESCO would go to court to try to block it (they could but it is easier & cheaper for UNESCO just to withdraw status & HE's objection was phrased in such a way that suggested they would not fight if they were ignored). More likely a local heritage group might try to block through the courts but their chances of funding an expensive action are dubious. It might delay things. Maybe by a year or so. However, I expect it will ultimately get approved and built. It is not certain but then again it never has been. The delay may even actually help buy the club time to access better funding options given it is a less than ideal market right now. it is a pain but I'm still personally optimistic for however little that is worth!
Seeing all the James billboards etc around the world earlier just got me thinking about what an absolutely enormous spectacle and marketing excercise Moshiri and Usmanov are going to make the building of this stadium. They're aggressively ambitious and completely shameless about it and I love it.

It'll be a constant talking point for months/years of the building process and then all the fuss as it opens etc. Completely unavoidable.

It's going to be hugely exciting for Evertonians and the exact opposite for fans of different persuasions in the city.
Saw a piece by the lib dem guy for Liverpool if anyone has seen it- basically saying Liverpool has been held back massively in terms of construction projects IIRC - such a historical city is getting quickly built cheap tack with a majority not even getting built and will soon be torn down.

I think this falls in line with the peoples project - hugely ambitious project which will do wonders for the city, being told it's too damaging to local histroy by people who clearly have know connection to the city and how the local residents feel.

EDIT: Link here
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