Or how starved we've been of European Away Days.
Lille .... possibly the closest & easiest & cheapest place to get to that we could have played in mainland Europe, with a stadium big enough to allow a large allocation. A large amount of those that went there would possibly not go to a euro away game, or it was maybe made up of fans that may have gone to 1 of the others thus combining to give a large support.
I'm not talking us down btw but consider other factors like ticket cost etc, we took a lot to wolfsburg but if their tickets had been £60 then it would've stopped folk going due to cost.
There's still a certain Novelty factor regarding our european aways, in fact look at pre season ones where folk grab the chance for a couple of days away in a european city on the lash. The fact is that if it was every season then the numbers travelling away would lower & be too difficult to maintain for many based on cost for starters & actually being able to get time off etc. I'm not saying we wouldnt fill allocations but the vast numbers we took to some games last season just wouldnt happen.
Just the same as 60k per week wouldnt.