New Everton Stadium

I used to love the ferry in " bad weather". It rarely got cancelled. It was like a bucking bronco, water smashing over the side, people staggering around just for the fun!.
It even went in the foggiest of conditions, the pilots could dock the ferry on the worst of days with deck hands jumping from boat to stage without a care in the world.
I got there late one evening after too much time in scarletts bar. Deckhands helped me jump to get on!!
In the 70s when I was a kid and coming over on the ferry to Goodison I remember down in the Saloon bar they sold the best steak and kidney pies my paper round money could buy.
This fella is really getting in there. Brilliant stuff.

….the club really are missing a trick if they don’t get the 24/7 webcams up and running.

There is clearly a thirst for information and the club need to exploit that and at the same time raise their profile. I’d go a step further, and appoint somebody to give a verbal update over a video clip at least once per week.
….the club really are missing a trick if they don’t get the 24/7 webcams up and running.

There is clearly a thirst for information and the club need to exploit that and at the same time raise their profile. I’d go a step further, and appoint somebody to give a verbal update over a video clip at least once per week.
tbf i's watch the Street end on live cam 7 days a week
….the club really are missing a trick if they don’t get the 24/7 webcams up and running.

There is clearly a thirst for information and the club need to exploit that and at the same time raise their profile. I’d go a step further, and appoint somebody to give a verbal update over a video clip at least once per week.
Yeah, a video construction diary is a must, I think. There’s loads of atypical stuff happening with this build, because of where it is, and it’d interest loads of infrastructure nerds all over the world.

Most of that interesting stuff is happening now, with the preparations for the infill. The club are definitely missing a trick not affording this more coverage.
….the club really are missing a trick if they don’t get the 24/7 webcams up and running.

There is clearly a thirst for information and the club need to exploit that and at the same time raise their profile. I’d go a step further, and appoint somebody to give a verbal update over a video clip at least once per week.
How d'you mean "exploit" it?

….as in attracting the interest of people across the globe and positively raising the profile of the club.
Why would anyone be interested in a derelict site if they aren't interested in Everton?

"Raising our profile" through signing James and now "raising our profile" through video footage of a delapidated dock.

Where do people get these ideas from?

We're Everton Football Club. We dont need a broken down show pony or a video view of a dock being in-filled to have profile.

Why would anyone be interested in a derelict site if they aren't interested in Everton?

"Raising our profile" through signing James and now "raising our profile" through video footage of a delapidated dock.

Where do people get these ideas from?

We're Everton Football Club. We dont need a broken down show pony or a video view of a dock being in-filled to have profile.

….poor Dave.
Was BMD still being used if Liverpool won the commonwealth games bid?

Yes.... that was the initial main driver for BMD.... but it was initially with a view to a bid for the 2026 games. Then when Durban backed out of hosting the 2022 games, we had to rush our bid for then instead. That stadium would've been in an east-west orientation..... possibly with a temporary stand at one end and the track and field being raised on a platform above the lower tier of the stands...... a bit like the Manchester
commonwealth stadium (but if it had been for 2026, with the process in reverse). In football mode, that stadium would've had a larger capacity than the final proposals.
Why would anyone be interested in a derelict site if they aren't interested in Everton?

"Raising our profile" through signing James and now "raising our profile" through video footage of a delapidated dock.

Where do people get these ideas from?

We're Everton Football Club. We dont need a broken down show pony or a video view of a dock being in-filled to have profile.
I think you are grossly underestimating the amount of people out there who love & geek out on this sort of stuff. Some of the most successful tv shows are about how things are made or how process works. There are channels that show repeats over & over because the demand is high enough. Youtube channels get big views with things like massive cranes, huge container ships, earth moving equipment, wind farm builds & also sport stadia builds. With ours being built on a dock it would make it even more interesting.
Do we need it to raise our profile? Well actually yes. We need it to carry interest to justify its cost. If we want it to work beyond just a place to play football then we need to get people interested in it as early as possible & keep them interested. Showing build progress can excite potential sponsors beyond just USM. It shows people we are serious about becoming a top team so we are taken more seriously because actions do speak.

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