New Everton Stadium

Imagine referencing one of the visual cues people love about Goodison. The nerve!

What kind of outfit would do that?

Screenshot 2022-07-20 at 09.12.12.webp

In the eye of the beholder.

My point stands: wtf are we using a reference to a man's work form 130 odd years ago - a man who used to knock that truss out at most grounds he worked on in the era he was working in?

It's 'kin bizzare.
Think the majority find it a pleasing feature,no stadium design will please everyone.
Honestly fella, I think you are protesting too much. You're being a bit of a drama queen about it.

Ok, you don't like the brick pattern on the facade, you've made that clear, even bringing it back when everyone else had moved on for several pages. It's subjective and some people really like it.

The pattern was originally due to continue through on the metal panels (which is your latest issue) but consultees felt it was too busy, so it was dropped from the metal panels along with removing the thinnest of the brick columns. A massive improvement in my view, but you may not agree.
You're being too coy. Let's have it right: it was Historic England that demanded it and got it.

Once that had been compromised all bets should have been off and Meis should have gone back to the drawing board on the brickwork. The integroty of the design was destroyed because the club were all too willing to bend the knee to the tragical history tour nerds and wouldn't fight its own corner on this.

You're being too coy. Let's have it right: it was Historic England that demanded it and got it.

Once that had been compromised all bets should have been off and Meis should have gone back to the drawing board on the brickwork. The integroty of the design was destroyed because the club were all too willing to bend the knee to the tragical history tour nerds and wouldn't fight its own corner on this.
According to the planning docs, the simplification of the facade design was requested/suggested by the Places Matter panel not Historic England although maybe they did have a hand in it. I don't think "demanded" is quite right but, as I previously posted, clearly there was a lot of negotiation with consultees to give the planning app the best chance of success, and on this particular point it was obviously felt that the request was reasonable and worth amending to appease them. I actually did think the original facade design was too busy.

"Tragical history tour nerds". I like that.
The Leitch signature truss design is most associated with Everton. We had 3 classic Leitch double decker stands, built over a 30 year period representing the evolution of early stadium design . Which is why Goodison Park probably features the most in Simon Inglis' book "Engineering Archie". So I don't think the reference is the least misplaced nor damaging
Well that's a matter for conjecture rather than fact. Many other clubs had those trusses and some still retain them. If you lived in Glasgow, Rangers fans would give you one hell of an argument about the claim you make here (their South Stand is listed), and no doubt Portsmouth would too, given that they've gone to great lengths and expense to bring theirs back into full view. It's subjective. Sunderland have had the right idea and placed part of the trusses in their museum, where they belong.

It's not unique to Everton. That's the point. Ten other grounds still have them as of 2018.
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According to the planning docs, the simplification of the facade design was requested/suggested by the Places Matter panel not Historic England although maybe they did have a hand in it. I don't think "demanded" is quite right but, as I previously posted, clearly there was a lot of negotiation with consultees to give the planning app the best chance of success, and on this particular point it was obviously felt that the request was reasonable and worth amending to appease them. I actually did think the original facade design was too busy.

"Tragical history tour nerds". I like that.
p.56 Design and Access Statement addendum part 2 of 9.

5.2.2 Metal Panels

Feedback from consultations with LCC, HE and other stakeholders emphasised the need to simplify the overall facade and celebrate the Leitch Truss pattern that is traced in the bricks as a key element of the facade. To achieve this the truss pattern has been omitted from the metal infill sections of the facade.

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