It is very likely (not a stone cold sober fact) that he (or his backer) has got the readies to complete the stadium. The issue has always been what the ultimate debt will be to the club or any potential new owner, going forward. The original plan was for a 60k+ stadium substantially funded by a commonwealth games. When the bid failed, that had to be revised to a 52k+ stadium, which was supposed to be funded by the owner plus by a loan secured by the club. With Uncle Ussy providing a lucrative sponsorship deal to cover all those on-going costs. That loan package has still not been secured and the Russian has been sanctioned. The financial plan was sketchy at £500m.... but we all turned a blind eye because bank of daddy ruled, and all expenses were covered. At £760m, with no bottomless pit sponsor and potential relegation, that financial plan looks at least as precarious as Valencia's. Hence the inability to secure an attractive loan deal and the on-going search for new investors.... and possibly the reason for our inability to secure any urgently needed new players, despite selling £100m+ worth in the past 6 months. We've had their scatter gun economics on the pitch that has left us completely hamstrung. Have they been equally and as dangerously frivolous with the stadium financial plan?