I would appreciate it if you didn't keep misquoting or misrepresenting me.
Also, in planning, space requirement is Vertical aswell as Horizontal. BMD has already had its height limited by the city planning office... if I remember rightly, it was because of the cluster of listed heritage buildings nearby. Those buildings aren't moving. That may or may not be negotiable in the future, hopefully it will be..... However, if it isn't, then any talk of "easy" expansion is entirely moot.
The waterway reinstatement isn't only aesthetic. Its reinstatement for continuous water access between adjacent docks along the network was a planning stipulation. It is also additional site flood protection for seasonal and future high tides in conjunction with the proposed raising of the inner quaysides.
Presumably the early studies you mention were superceded... hence why Colin Chong and Mo told shareholders 2 yrs ago that people-movement/circulation modelling for full compliance had been fairly tight at the current capacity. Maybe they just made it up to appease those of us questioning the 52k capacity.
Nowhere, have I said Anfield would be easy. I merely said in reference to the question of who will have the best stadium in the prem, that future-proofing was also a factor, since various others either are already or will almost certainly expand/modify further in the future including: Etihad, St James' and Anfield.... (and no doubt several others too).
However seeing as you've mentioned it.... why do you think LFC would be overly troubled by the prospect of acquiring 30-60 houses to expand the the Kemlyn, especially when they previously managed to clear over 300, including listed buildings? Even at a generous £250k each, 30-60 houses is just £7.5m - £15m. Less if LFC are still the leaseholders for Skerries Rd after they refurbished the properties. As has been shown, this hasn't been a great barrier thus far.
When I was saying that there was no capacity contraints in my last post, I was obviously referring to accessibility around St James's Park which can get to 60k+ with the of expansion at the Gallowgate end. The only capacity planning constraints at Anfield at present are with respect to transport and that has already been partially revised. As far as I'm aware, there are no specific capacity limitations with respect to the immediate site access/egress/evacuation by foot, with people able to leave in multiple directions.