I've sat/stood in every stand. 20yrs in the Gwladys, upper but mainly lower and now coming up for 30yrs in the Park end. The Park end is far superior to the lower Gwladys for view and relative comfort. As a consequence, it is more expensive, so generally attracts a slightly older demographic than the Street end lower. It also has a premium seat section served by lounges in the middle, almost splitting the stand into two general admission areas. Despite it being just over half the capacity of the Street end it generally holds its own with the opposite end in terms of making noise. The older average age might make it slightly less fanatical, but you have to remember that most of its patrons served their time in the Gwladys St, old Park end and paddock/enclosure, (which were all at least equally as boisterous as our traditional home end, remember the enclosure in the 80s?). So it's all a bit of a myth about the Park end.