surely that copyright has expired by now. I'm claiming it as mine now anyhow. Sue me I dare ya@Groucho isn’t this copyright infringement?
surely that copyright has expired by now. I'm claiming it as mine now anyhow. Sue me I dare ya@Groucho isn’t this copyright infringement?
We should sort a Grand Old Team lounge nearby, really...
This is your Season ticket you just have to pay £3,000 for the pleasure. I have signed up and two mates. My son who gave up his season ticket 5yrs ago has all so signed up. Let's face it most people will be paying about £1,000 for there season ticket if not over do I think this represents a good deal. I've been a season ticket holder for 50 odd years but like I said my son gave his up and as jumped right back in, no waiting list it open for anyone.How does this membership work? You buy this with your season ticket or this is your season ticket as well?
Does anyone know the costing?
“PIVOT!!! PIVOT!!!”3min 24 sec
No way that fits through there lol
Match posponed through snow
3 seasons and i imagine its over 3k now. I dont think this is a new offereing, pretty sure this is the same stuff i was being shown over a month ago. They are just trying to sell out the last seats.Think these bars are priced at around £2500 per season.
But you have to sign up for 2 season.
I do have bad thoughts about the cranes going, surely we need them for the barrel roofing, funding issue perhaps? Or am I putting 2 and 2together and getting 5 ?