New Everton Stadium

At least use some latin that you know what it means and can apply it correctly.

Look at Gwladys St at kick out time. Much fewer people than will exit at BMD, but, and this is crucial, those people are going in both directions, people cross each others paths, slow each other down to a stop on some occasions.
Once out of the gate at BMD (you can even choose a gate closer to your chosen destination to reduce the 'collisions' with others) there will be no contraflows. Once out onto Regent road, that road can be saturated or even supersaturated with pedestrians and they keep flowing because they are all going in the same direction. Then once some have walked faster than others, that dissipates the saturation/supersaturation. GS can never get close to saturation. (Comparing the egress flows once you are beyond the pinch points (ie when the flow gets to the side roads at GP) is a nonsense.)
Let me explain this further, imagine a pipe of 100cm diameter, you can push fluid or sand through there (people are just big particles) at quite a rate. Now imagine a pipe half of that diameter, 50cm, and try pushing fluid or sand both ways down this narrow pipe. Which one allows a flow and which one doesnt?

Quod erat demonstrandum
Do people honestly think a forensic planning application, with much wider street access and exits than goodison (not including the increased hospitality who will stay after, including the plan for general admission) will be an issue?
That doesn't square with voting for Kings Dock and spending several thousand pounds of my own money just on a transport study for a stadium on central docks area before anyone had even heard of BMD, does it?

I'm sorry, but you cannot claim to speak for me! My post regards GP were responses to the mistaken assertions that it could not be redeveloped or that it would be more expensive than BMD. I'd say my reservations regarding BMDs financial model have been more than vindicated.

You’re a negative stress on this project, you know everyone at the panning committee doesn’t know who you are and if they are, they’ll be rolling their eyes at you like others who have tried to get some sort of involvement.

But you can approach Goodison from all directions.

At BMD, well, 1 side is kinda off limits.

Do people honestly think a forensic planning application, with much wider street access and exits than goodison (not including the increased hospitality who will stay after, including the plan for general admission) will be an issue?
I think that even if 10k stay behind to drink etc and half turn right and half turn left over 21k will be heading left and 21k right down a fairly narrow road. So yes I see there might be an issue
I think that even if 10k stay behind to drink etc and half turn right and half turn left over 21k will be heading left and 21k right down a fairly narrow road. So yes I see there might be an issue
you do know that the ones exiting from the top of the west stand wont be reaching the exit at Regent Road at the same time as the ones leaving the lower levels of the east stand at the same time dont you? That is ignoring the effective low pressure plenum chamber created by the fan zone which will also regulate the flow onto regent road.
I think that even if 10k stay behind to drink etc and half turn right and half turn left over 21k will be heading left and 21k right down a fairly narrow road. So yes I see there might be an issue
No offence mate, but I've posted earlier in here that the Travel & Transport data in the Planning Application has stated that there won't be an issue. I'd trust the work that they have undertaken over some measurements of the surrounding road network and comparison to narrow streets around Goodison.

The biggest issue identified with pedestrian movement was around the stadium itself and through the dock wall, particularly if the stadium had to empty in an emergency situation. However, it specifically states in the planning documentation that this was modelled and determined to be acceptable.

Worth pointing out that the size and number of access points in the dock wall will in itself limit the flow of pedestrians onto the road network. That and the time it will take for supporters to empty the stadium is also a major consideration. 53,000 people don't suddenly appear on Regent Road at the same time.

I'd recommend reading the relevant reports submitted at planning if you're that concerned.

The fact that we're debating as to whether or not the exit routes are sufficiently large and numerous enough to allow for a steady stream of fans leaving at half-time says it all about how toxic some of our fan base is these days.

I've never left a match early and I never will. Blue until I die.

Once a blue always a blue... and that includes when we're losing.
You’re a negative stress on this project, you know everyone at the panning committee doesn’t know who you are and if they are, they’ll be rolling their eyes at you like others who have tried to get some sort of involvement.

Again, you seem to think you can claim to speak for me for some reason.

It's a discussion forum, where both positive and negative issues can, and should be discussed, surely? I've been consistent with my reservations from the start...... one, the finance model and two, the transport. You can be as positive as you want about the financial aspect, but at no point has it ever attracted investment from any major financial institutions, it has forced the owner into a sale and to go cap in hand to loan sharks to complete (when many on here said it was no problem, he's a multi-billionaire).... creating a debt-laden predicament that has the potential to sink this club without trace! Nothing whatsoever to do with negativity, just basic facts!

You also appear to be able to speak for the planning committee. I've no idea if they read this forum. Who is it that you know? I used to know the person responsible for both grounds, no idea if he's still there. I can remember some people saying on various forums that Knowsley's planning department were similarly dismissive about KEIOC's reservations about Destination Kirkby's transport plan (while they were secretly adding capacity reducing clauses). We all know who got it right on that score.
Grass apparently going in within the next two months, seems mad given that we aren't playing there for another 16-odd months, but anyway that's a good sign that it's all on track.

Excited to see the developments outside of the ground soon in the fan area and the side with the steps by the river, whatever that stand is to be called.

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