I was just taking the original post at face value. The suggestion was that there was still loads of availability to get season tickets so that's what I based my reply on. If it's not the case then ignore it, it wasn't me who suggested it was I just assumed the point was correct.
It won't be a very small minority, it will be a decent chunk. I know 3 or 4 personally who've not taken it up, and others have posted on here that they haven't taken it up either. As I've said a few times, it's not a criticism of people or our support, it's just a really obvious fact. In the same way that I told a mate that I'm definitely up for going to watch the Ashes in Oz with him next winter but know that realistically when push comes to shove I probably won't be able to do it, loads of people will have put themselves on the list with the very best of intentions but won't actually be in a position to drop £800 or commit to 20 weekends a year when it comes to it because their Mrs isn't happy, or their work patterns don't suit it or whatever. It's just how these things work.