Have a telly each. Problem solved.She recorded the Coronation street omnibus, and is now whinging to watch it even though I'm watching the footy, could just be a back of the hand offence!
Have a telly each. Problem solved.She recorded the Coronation street omnibus, and is now whinging to watch it even though I'm watching the footy, could just be a back of the hand offence!
2 years or not, I'll be happy, even ecstatic when they start the build. Then we'll have certainty.He knows what's going on, but hes talking out if his rear if he thinks that a stadium will be ready in 2 years. Start on site, maybe......
theres just noway we can be THAT stupid.
if we are that daft we deserve everything we get
It really doesn't make much sense for them to say anything until everything's all done and dusted in regards to planning, etc. It's basic PR, if they made an announcement every step of the way then something went awry they'd be opening themselves up to all sorts of abuse.Sadly I wouldn't put it past them
For openers, one would think more than an "indication from LCC" that planing permission would be forthcoming is grounds to buy the land.....the land would need to be bought with a cast iron, binding agreement that it was full steam ahead.
And this is why I am becoming somewhat sceptical that we will be playing in a state of the art super stadium by the river.
Because even if Moshiri was being his normal inscrutable self (except when he is speaking to his good buddy, Jim) and saying nowt.....Uncle Bill would be rightly trumpeting the fact all over the place.
I mean, one wouldn't buy a plot of land to build a house on unless planning permission was in place.
As you say, it would be the height of stupidity to do so.
I am just finding it weird that no one at the club is trying to enthuse the fans about any aspect of the club and create a bit of a buzz around the place, especially with us making such a solid start to the season.
Is it really too much to ask that EFC keep the fans informed as to what stage plans for a new stadium are at?
It really doesn't make much sense for them to say anything until everything's all done and dusted in regards to planning, etc. It's basic PR, if they made an announcement every step of the way then something went awry they'd be opening themselves up to all sorts of abuse.
Agree with this but, being ignorant of the workings of planning applications etc, is it not the case that a planning application would automatically put the details into the public domain?
Not sure how they could get the go-ahead "behind closed doors".
Are planning decisions or votes open for scrutiny as soon as they are tabled?
The formal application yes. But on a development like this they'd need council backing before it got to that stage, and in this case due to the listed structures on the site they'd no doubt have discussions with English Heritage to ensure that they were happy with whatever was going to be proposed.Indeed.
As I understand it, planning applications are actually public things and must be advertised so that any would be objectors can lodge their objections.
The formal application yes. But on a development like this they'd need council backing before it got to that stage, and in this case due to the listed structures on the site they'd no doubt have discussions with English Heritage to ensure that they were happy with whatever was going to be proposed.
There'll be plenty of discussion before the formal application for planning is lodged, and agreement in principle is reached
Anything positive from the club about us being linked to this site would have a massive impact on our support, and the whole club and team would benefit from that.Sadly I wouldn't put it past them
For openers, one would think more than an "indication from LCC" that planing permission would be forthcoming is grounds to buy the land.....the land would need to be bought with a cast iron, binding agreement that it was full steam ahead.
And this is why I am becoming somewhat sceptical that we will be playing in a state of the art super stadium by the river.
Because even if Moshiri was being his normal inscrutable self (except when he is speaking to his good buddy, Jim) and saying nowt.....Uncle Bill would be rightly trumpeting the fact all over the place.
I mean, one wouldn't buy a plot of land to build a house on unless planning permission was in place.
As you say, it would be the height of stupidity to do so.
I am just finding it weird that no one at the club is trying to enthuse the fans about any aspect of the club and create a bit of a buzz around the place, especially with us making such a solid start to the season.
Is it really too much to ask that EFC keep the fans informed as to what stage plans for a new stadium are at?
Anything positive from the club about us being linked to this site would have a massive impact on our support, and the whole club and team would benefit from that.
And you would think positive, concrete news about a new stadium could only help when trying to sell the club to potential big name signings.
The thought of a world class river side stadium is making me feel like a kid on Christmas morning. There'll be nothing like it anywhere in the world. If it's anything like what's been rumoured it'll blow Castle Greyskull out of the water and then some. It'll become a big attraction for the city of Liverpool and really help put us back on the map.
I just feel a bit for the businesses around Goodison, which would undoubtedly suffer.
This is a project which will cost 100s of millions it is about as far removed from "buying a plot of land to build a house on " as you can get.Sadly I wouldn't put it past them
For openers, one would think more than an "indication from LCC" that planing permission would be forthcoming is grounds to buy the land.....the land would need to be bought with a cast iron, binding agreement that it was full steam ahead.
And this is why I am becoming somewhat sceptical that we will be playing in a state of the art super stadium by the river.
Because even if Moshiri was being his normal inscrutable self (except when he is speaking to his good buddy, Jim) and saying nowt.....Uncle Bill would be rightly trumpeting the fact all over the place.
I mean, one wouldn't buy a plot of land to build a house on unless planning permission was in place.
As you say, it would be the height of stupidity to do so.
I am just finding it weird that no one at the club is trying to enthuse the fans about any aspect of the club and create a bit of a buzz around the place, especially with us making such a solid start to the season.
Is it really too much to ask that EFC keep the fans informed as to what stage plans for a new stadium are at?