Player Valuation: Free Transfer
Where about are you from?: Lincolnshire
How did you find these forums?: Searching for porn. funny where it takes you
How did you become an Evertonian?: Passed down from me dad
Your all-time favourite Everton player?: Big Nev, also the muddiest all time player
Your current favourite player?: Bainesy
Pineapple on Pizza, Is it socially acceptable? What are your views?: anything is acceptable after 8 pints & a few JD & coke
How did you find these forums?: Searching for porn. funny where it takes you
How did you become an Evertonian?: Passed down from me dad
Your all-time favourite Everton player?: Big Nev, also the muddiest all time player
Your current favourite player?: Bainesy
Pineapple on Pizza, Is it socially acceptable? What are your views?: anything is acceptable after 8 pints & a few JD & coke