To save you all the trouble of reading this puke infested love-in here are the highlights
Pete fesses – yes I have an identity crisis – it was my mother’s fault – oh and yep I’m an out-of-towner
I was actually born in Wakefield.. My mother was travelling from London to Glasgow at the time and had to get off the train.
Pete admits he gets a disability discount on his season-ticket
I still think it’s great value for money to spend 17 pounds on a game if you’re in the Kop.
“I’m an anorak - a real sad case”
I have in my house a piece of the step of the Old Kop where I used to stand on. I have a photograph where it is chiselled away and I hold the piece of the step. This is my pride and joy and I keep also a brick of the old turnstile I used to go through.
Pete lies about his marital status
The day before the match, my stomach is so tight I can’t usually eat breakfast. Most of the time my wife will take me to the ground with my daughter. I will not! take the car where I can actually see Goodison Park. I have go the right and then left so I don’t have look at this obscene object. I obviously make my way through the ground, get my banners and stuff
The Pub
It could be in Barcelona, Italy, Dortmund, anywhere really.. (that’ll be cos the people in there are from these places).
The "badge man"
This is my third waist coat now.
Fellow Krapites
I have a Norwegian friend, called Runar
I knew from the accent he was from the south of England
A friend of mine from Blackpool phoned and he was going
Bumped into some friends from Wales
I really felt for this guy because he used to be an officer in the United Nations and had not been long back in Norway since being stationed in Macedonia.
The best image is on page 3 - Pete, the woman in the wheelchair and the other saddo with the badges