Very disappointing I have to post this but simply put, It stops now. We've never had this problem until the past few weeks when 2 or 3 members seem to be actively engaging in arguments. If it doesn't stop then I will stick my neck on the line and wield Dylans ban hammer.
Obviously theres always going to be the odd bit of disagreement/confrontation - forums would be pointless without it, after all the whole point is to express opinions and we aren't ever going to all have the same. But when it appears the same members seem to be actively looking for confrontation, that is when the line is drawn.
So c'mon lads - you know who you are, I don't want to ban anyone. Get a grip and stop the pathetic petty arguing. If you don't like someone, don't seek out anything you can in their posts to look for an argument - if you do, I don't care who said what first, I will ban whoever is seen doing this. Few members have asked were the line is drawn and I have clearly told you all now, any member nit picking posts for arguments will be banned. Cant be arsed with a few soft lads with nothing better to do. This forum is for decent blues to talk all things blue and have a bit of banter on the side and it will stay that way.
Obviously theres always going to be the odd bit of disagreement/confrontation - forums would be pointless without it, after all the whole point is to express opinions and we aren't ever going to all have the same. But when it appears the same members seem to be actively looking for confrontation, that is when the line is drawn.
So c'mon lads - you know who you are, I don't want to ban anyone. Get a grip and stop the pathetic petty arguing. If you don't like someone, don't seek out anything you can in their posts to look for an argument - if you do, I don't care who said what first, I will ban whoever is seen doing this. Few members have asked were the line is drawn and I have clearly told you all now, any member nit picking posts for arguments will be banned. Cant be arsed with a few soft lads with nothing better to do. This forum is for decent blues to talk all things blue and have a bit of banter on the side and it will stay that way.