OK......confessions of an old insomniac.
Some people count sheep in an attempt to nod off......I pick a letter from the alphabet and think of as many players whose name starts with that letter as possible.
Sad, I know......but jolly effective most nights 
Every time I do a particular letter, a name comes up I hadn't thought Of before because I had totally forgotten they had played for us.
So let's see who remembers these lids.
For the 70s boys.......Dave Irving ......I bet people are saying "Darnitt....I forgot about him".
And Dave Smallman.
Or Neil Robinson
Into the 80s was there ever a more anonymous player than Neil Adams?
Except maybe Alan Ainscow?
The 90s brought lots of players we are hard pushed to remember.
John O'Kane, Paul Holmes or little John Oster?
Into this century Alexandersson, Ibn Tal and Lucas Neill don't register much in my memory.