The Premier League has admitted that illegal streaming of live football on the internet could have a dramatic impact on the professional game's finances.
BBC SPORT | Football | Premier League | Premier League fears web pirates
What bollocks. Clear to see that this guy couldn't care less about the fans. Has he ever thought that there's a reason why so many are happy to watch what is a sub-standard feed for free?
The man needs to live in the real world. There's a recession at the moment, the like of which hasn't been seen in 80 years. Yet he expects fans to keep dipping into their pockets so players can earn another £10,000 a week.
Get real. In music you have services like iTunes that have been popular because they've offered better value than the status quo. You've had bands like Radiohead offering a pay what you want model, again to great success both for fans and the band.
Where's the innovation from the Premier League? Where's the indication that they look at fans and see anything other than big pound signs?
"The long term consequences for the game are that it has the potential to devalue or dilute the rights value, and in turn that will dilute the product that we are able to turn out and the quality of player coming to the league."
BBC SPORT | Football | Premier League | Premier League fears web pirates
What bollocks. Clear to see that this guy couldn't care less about the fans. Has he ever thought that there's a reason why so many are happy to watch what is a sub-standard feed for free?
The man needs to live in the real world. There's a recession at the moment, the like of which hasn't been seen in 80 years. Yet he expects fans to keep dipping into their pockets so players can earn another £10,000 a week.
Get real. In music you have services like iTunes that have been popular because they've offered better value than the status quo. You've had bands like Radiohead offering a pay what you want model, again to great success both for fans and the band.
Where's the innovation from the Premier League? Where's the indication that they look at fans and see anything other than big pound signs?