Simply put your points on which region you think will pick up the most points from the opening days of the season...
Saturday, 11 August 2007
Aston Villa v Liverpool, 17:15
Bolton v Newcastle, 15:00
Derby v Portsmouth, 15:00
Everton v Wigan, 15:00
Middlesbro' v Blackburn, 15:00
Sunderland v Tottenham, 12:45
West Ham v Man City, 15:00
Sunday, 12 August 2007
Arsenal v Fulham, 12:00
Chelsea v Birmingham, 13:30
Man Utd v Reading, 16:00
Saturday, 11 August 2007
Aston Villa v Liverpool, 17:15
Bolton v Newcastle, 15:00
Derby v Portsmouth, 15:00
Everton v Wigan, 15:00
Middlesbro' v Blackburn, 15:00
Sunderland v Tottenham, 12:45
West Ham v Man City, 15:00
Sunday, 12 August 2007
Arsenal v Fulham, 12:00
Chelsea v Birmingham, 13:30
Man Utd v Reading, 16:00