This research project intends to compare levels of drug related crime at two different locations within the UK with the aim of identifying possible sociological reasoning which may be behind differences in drug levels at both locations. The two locations which I will compare will be Liverpool and _____
From a previous study, I understand that some areas have substantially higher drug related crime rates than others and my primarily aim in this research topic is to discover reasoning behind as to why this is…
The links between drug use and crime are clearly established. In fact, statistical evidence shows that around three-quarters of crack and heroin users claim they commit crime to feed their habit (Home Office). With the home office so confident of such a clearly established connection between drug use and crime, it would be feasible to expect strong statistic evidence in existing literature to support the idea of a significant relationship between drugs and criminal activity. Because of this, I will not need to spend too much time researching literature to establish a connection between drug use and crime and taking this connection for granted, I will spend most of my time researching why certain areas have more of a drugs problem than others – which in turn would cause drug problem areas to have higher crime rates.