Agree with all of this. Since relegation from the league was introduced, I think it's been a good thing - how many years did we watch East Stirling make no effort to get anything other than the wooden spoon, only for it to be too late for them to get their act together when the trap door finally opened? It's been much better seeing teams like Cove and Edinburgh City come in and have a proper go and be rewarded for their positive efforts. Unless someone supports the team that goes out of the league, I don't think they're too sorry to see them go and be replaced by a club with a bit more about them. Despite their high-profile chairman, the Blue Brazil have been flirting with the drop for way too long, too, and I think they'll pay the price one of these days. As you say, Cove's situation has been quite different from most other Highland League winnners - Aberdeen's pretty well connected to the central belt, and Cove's trek isn't much different from the sort that the likes of Montrose, Arbroath and Brechin have been doing for so many years, whereas Brora is, what, another hour up from the Black Isle?