2024/25 Sean Dyche

Villa got their act together mate. Good on them.

I have to say tho, For all the stick and snide digs our fans receive about booing, moaning and walking out, in 2016 Villa were going through a terrible time, protests, walk outs etc. A lot of home games had empty seats and it got to a point where over 13k tickets were still available for their final game of the season. Everton fans haven’t done that, they still fill the ground, they still take full allocation to away games.

I’d love to see how some people would react if we did what Villa did or heaven forbid apathy crept in on a large scale.

You have to wonder where this focus on the fans stems from because I don’t think it’s solely on Dyche, even the likes of Prentices wife, Dixie Deans granddaughter, was asking fans not to protest because it would affect signings , knowing full well there would not be any anyway. It was really about not disrupting the apple cart, i.e the Kenwright clique.
There’s been a concerted and sustained media PR campaign against the supporters - because of the like of Kenwright and his cronies but I think also in part because we have suffered that long at not only mismanagement of the team but also of the club that we probably have more instances of having expressed vociferous supporter unrest. All if it from time to time justified, but vociferous and not silent like Villa as you say.

It all starts and stops with the horrendous ownership issues we have had to endure for 30 years. Coaches and 0layers come and go under that same horrendous ownership. It’s Dyche’s Turn at the moment and he will soon have to spotlight off him but exiting stage left. He was clearly recruited as people have said just to avoid relegation - a complete lack of ambition, simply because we have financially overstretched with the stadium and then the financial impact of other international events.

As for Villa, they have only done what any competent investor would do. They have brought in capital and have had a plan with how they use that capital, unlike Moshiri.
I’m weirdly looking forward to Tuesday. He’ll play O’Brien, Armstrong, N’Diaye, Lindstrom and Beto and we’ll score a few goals before reverting to type against Bournemouth next Saturday.
That would be peak Dyche, followed by peak GoT when all the Dyche fans explain to everyone, like they are 4 years old, that "BOURNEMOUTH AREN'T DONCASTER"
The only person with any connection to Everton, fan, pundit, employee who has mentioned Europe with regard to this club is Sean Dyche. And Sean Dyche is complaining about Sean Dyche talking about Europe with regards to Everton. He's playing 4D chess while we're all playing tiddlywinks.
I bet in Sean Dyche chess every peice has to move the full length of the board. None of this pawns moving short single squares stuff.

I feel more ready to twist than I have been.

I think our squad is better than it was last season, and I have little to no faith that Dyche is capable of getting anything like the best out of it.

But I do think we have enough pieces for another manager with more progressive ideas to make a better fist of it.

Dyche is a drain circler. We might very well get away with it again this season, but I feel no meaningful progress and I can’t escape the feeling that we’d eventually slip down the plug hole sticking to his methods.
Is it any wonder we show no ambition on the pitch when you have a manager with an attitude like that. We need someone with enthusiasm to light a spark at the club. All we’ve had the last 20 odd years are drab, dour negative managers bar 1, Martinez, who is an absolute loony bin. If we had someone like Thomas frank or someone with a bit of energy about them to get the club looking upwards things might change for the better.
I don't think it's down to the managers, it's been dour leadership from the top for decades. Nobody's ever held accountable by the people at the top, it's just acceptable that we are were we are!

Thomas Frank would have failed here just like all the others, we need leadership and direction from the top, accountability and a mentality that nothing but the best is is good enough!

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