watching this on mexican tv in HD, but they talk to fast so i can't understand with my Espanol pick comes down to 2 important factors:
Greek food. Love it. who ever thought lamb on a rotating stick could be so good?
My Uncle. Spilled his own blood on the 38th parallel and never touched a gun after...
Uncle wins over food easily, GO S KOREA!
S Korea should have had a penalty as well.
Greece are poor.
It's weird seeing Roberto Martinez behind the desk.
It is. I'd kiss him if he'd just stand up and pimp-slap Lalas when he says something ridiculous, though.
He gets ample opportunity.
It is. I'd kiss him if he'd just stand up and pimp-slap Lalas when he says something ridiculous, though.
He gets ample opportunity.
If he did that every time then he'd he a nasty case of carpal tunnel syndrome.