The REAL problem for the US is that it uses the American football format as their guide line in order to progress soccer players into pro leagues. Read MLS.
This is their route: Youth club soccer=college scholarship=MLS.
It is the same route for football: High School football=college scholarship=pros). It works for them, it does not for soccer. Why? Because American football does not compete on a world stage.
Foreign soccer players are groomed from a young age and do not see college as a way to the professional leagues like American players do. Most do not come from a middle class or above background like some American players do. (That is changing quickly, but you will not see these players for a year or two). The US is Slooooowly waking up to the fact that their system for identifing players does not work. That having players go to college and then draft them from there, does not work. Those college players can not play on an international stage. They do not have the training, the tactics, the skills, the anything, but stamina, and maybe heart.
The US will get there, but might never be on top, or even in the top 6. There are too many distractions for their athletics. Meaning the big sports in the states. I hope that they do, BUT it would take a tidal wave, AND, the stars would have to align, AND, there would have to be peace in this world, AND then maybe.......