Reidy's Bottle Of Grecian
The Unobstructed View
we were discussing the cost of getting into games on the "cigarettes" thread. i've just been on the citeh, website as there are ads on the radio for tomorrows game, saying kids from £5. if you register a kid then they go to home games for £5, it's free to register. i'm toying with going in their end and taking the kids, i would have to register them but i'd register my mates kids as he's a citeh fan. that comares with £15 up at g.p. no if it was a fiver you wouldnt even mind if it wasnt such a good view, you get to take your kids.......saving you hassle when you are off to the match and not doing anything ith the kids, and th club are getting future full paying everyweekers through the door.
so whats the price of sport in your neck of the woods? is it affordable but too expensive for kids, or is it another example of what puts the GREAT into Great Britain
so whats the price of sport in your neck of the woods? is it affordable but too expensive for kids, or is it another example of what puts the GREAT into Great Britain