The Friedkin Group - Dan & Ryan Friedkin

What do we reckon?

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    Votes: 505 70.7%
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    Votes: 197 27.6%
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    Votes: 12 1.7%

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I think the process has some weeks to run yet .
General rule of thumb appears to be around 12 weeks for PL approval.
And that’s assuming they have even applied for PL approval at this point.
There has been no announcement of an agreement to purchase the club , that I am aware of anyway .
A period of exclusivity does automatically translate to a sale.
My guesstimate would be sometime during September.
They won't move forward with the OADT until they have completed their due dilligence and formally agreed the sale with Moshiri.

I think the sale will (hopefully) be agreed by end of July/ beginning of August at which point they will start to have more input into how things are being run, recruitment (both on pitch and off) etc. The OADT etc will then run for as long as it needs to take, likely September/ October time like you say.

Any delays in the process will come during this period of exclusivity. There are meant to be some skeletons/ issues that need resolving in the background which could still scupper the deal. They may also need to wait for some clarity on this whole 777/ACAP mess that is going through the courts.