Hmmmmm....what don't I like about my country? Well for starters:
1) 38 million illegal immigrants residing here.
2) The Judicial branch of the government attempting to usurp the will of the people by legislating from the bench. The Judicial branch is to uphold the laws, not make 'em.
3) Legal abortion.
4) Arby's
5) Pollution
6) Incompetent politicians (on both sides)
7) Bandwagon fans supporting Arsenal, ManU, Livershite, and more recently, Chelsea.
8) Soccer haters in this country.
9) People who tell you not to "question their patriotism" yet turn around and say and do things which would directly cause us to "question their patriotism"
10) The NY Times (looking out for your rights by exposing secret government programs designed to spy on terrorists, not John Q. Public. Thanks for that.)
11) Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer, Jesse Jackson, & Al Sharpton.
...I'll stop there.