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buddy i know ur hurting but i am sniderman and can see all rep so when u try and snide a snider it just makes me think i should CRUSH ur little centrist formby head in a slow and enjoyable manner. i urge u to change path and embrace niceness. have a beautiful day buddy.
hi mate, I'm not good today , had to take my big fella to the vets for the last time today, gutted mate x
thats right buddy my milkshake brings all the murderers to the yard. i will CRUSH u in the name of juventus u disgusting cockroach.
truth us buddy it sort of for everything and sort of for nothing. what it does best is make angry egotists hate it so i kinda just view it as useful bait. hope ur well buddy and up the blues.
Hahaha ok, so just a wind up mechanism for those who are already angry?

I'm fully onboard with that.

Up the Blues indeed.
the sniderman
the sniderman
welcome to the resistance buddy.
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up the reds buddy world champions suck on my salty eggs you crying little coward.