New profile posts

up the reds buddy world champions suck on my salty eggs you crying little coward.
Hi. I've been banned from the coronavirus thread for months now. I dont believe I ever posted anything that controversial either but I accepted it in good grace. Any chance of being let back in as things have changed surrounding the issue now. It seems that the views I originally posted are now being expressed by a wider range of forum contributors. Thanks.
Hey, saw your profile pic. Do you live in B.C? I'm originally from Liverpool but living in Burnaby last 15 years. Any supporters clubs around this way?
the sniderman
the sniderman
buddy he is grooming u for rape be b careful thank u.
thanks for the Rep Carlos, I'll return the favour. You OK buddy? What do you think of James signing? I'm made up mate,
hello most esteemed buddy i seem to have been very mistakenly banned from the transfer thread can u rectify this great injustice ASAP please.
buddy ur on my CRUSH list u little cockroach.