Dodgy refereeing, VAR etc - will you sign the petition ?

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Genuinely don’t think they are corrupt, purely incompetent with a bit of bias thrown in for good measure.
For those reasons I’m not sure VAR can work in its current guise.
Without complete transparency (mic’ed up refs etc) and ultimately some sort of being held to account, I can’t see how it can work.
The principle of VAR is fine, it’s the application that’s so bad and with humans in the decision loop, I fear it will never be particularly good never mind perfect!
Having watched that Brighton game I honestly can't see anything other than a huge amount of bias or pure corruption. Nobody can be that incompetent.
The long term costs of those decisions to Brighton could be astronomical and there is no excuse or apology that will fix it. Mic'd up should happen immediately, and there is no excuse for that not happening either. Players swearing is not enough reason to not have it, we hear fans all the time shouting abuse and it isn't a big deal. As for human error, there would be far less of it if refs knew they were being listenened to and accountable
VAR is a good thing open to corrupted interpretation. I think overall it’s done wonders for offsides and handballs but things that are more open to interpretation have been manipulated.

We need answers- not at the expense of VAR but to save it from becoming another tool to rig the league. It’s not quite there yet but it will be. They have tested the waters
nope, the offside rule was brought in to stop players gaining an unfair advantage due to their position on the pitch relative to defenders, whether a toe is deemed to be further advanced than a defender's shoulder by drawing thick arbitrary lines is an abomination. Same with handball, now, above a T shirt sleeve line is OK, but is that part of the ball below, part of the ball touching the sleeve, an arbitrary judgement on the centre of the ball is below the sleeve line? It's a mess, goal line techie great and works a treat, the rest can get in the bin
If you bring back players chests being on or offside, half of the dodgy decisions are wiped out overnight. The time it takes for the drawing of lines and seeing if a pube is closer to a goal than toe fungus is what grates me most. Half the time they are showing what is happening and can’t even use the bloody software
This for me.
In athletics it's the torso, not a nose, a toe or any other part of the body that crosses the line first that determines the winner.
nope, the offside rule was brought in to stop players gaining an unfair advantage due to their position on the pitch relative to defenders, whether a toe is deemed to be further advanced than a defender's shoulder by drawing thick arbitrary lines is an abomination. Same with handball, now, above a T shirt sleeve line is OK, but is that part of the ball below, part of the ball touching the sleeve, an arbitrary judgement on the centre of the ball is below the sleeve line? It's a mess, goal line techie great and works a treat, the rest can get in the bin
Respectfully disagree. While both rules can be interpreted to the extreme by officials we have seen a lot less opportunism on both fronts. Before players would take gambles because they knew there was a 1 in 5 chance they could get away with a stray arm dangling or take a massive lead on the defensive line.

The officials certainly haven’t been perfect by any stretch of the imagination (and this is why it needs to be investigated for corruption) but it has helped the game as a whole.

I think the fans should demand a clear offsides rule from the officiating committee. It should be strictly judged by feet and other parts of the body should be irrelevant. A head or an arm should not determine offsides.

Would be great if every footie fan signed this...

No point. The TV pounds are all that matters. VAR means a longer show and the 'brands' getting the decisions so the asian betting viewer will buy more shirts and bet more on who of the top six will be given the trophies this year.
Football is a global capitalist plaything. This was enabled by Murdoch who, much as I despise the man, is a genius at making fortunes by monetising the prejudice and tribalism of Mr and Mrs Average.
Having watched that Brighton game I honestly can't see anything other than a huge amount of bias or pure corruption. Nobody can be that incompetent.
The long term costs of those decisions to Brighton could be astronomical and there is no excuse or apology that will fix it. Mic'd up should happen immediately, and there is no excuse for that not happening either. Players swearing is not enough reason to not have it, we hear fans all the time shouting abuse and it isn't a big deal. As for human error, there would be far less of it if refs knew they were being listenened to and accountable
It’s all to keep the RS in touch for Europe and keep Brighton away from the champs league.
Offside should be from the knee down and the head. If any other part of the body is offside the 9 times out of 10 the body will not be in a position to gain an advantage.
I’d put a magnetic strip in the wasteband of the shorts and do it like they did at the World Cup - takes out dodgy human drawn lines and the waste is a central pivot point on humans. So the centre of mass is always there.

I feel for every Brighton supporter out there.... They have another ten more matches and that semi final of this season to put up with*, and I bet they are so fed up right now, they just want it over and done with.

I bet they will finish 8th and the powers that be will make sure of it, not even Conference League.

*PIGMOL will also screw them over in that as well, so no twelfth game being the final. Good old maintaining the status quo, as having little old Brighton in Europe will harm their worldwide branding.
Having watched that Brighton game I honestly can't see anything other than a huge amount of bias or pure corruption. Nobody can be that incompetent.
The long term costs of those decisions to Brighton could be astronomical and there is no excuse or apology that will fix it. Mic'd up should happen immediately, and there is no excuse for that not happening either. Players swearing is not enough reason to not have it, we hear fans all the time shouting abuse and it isn't a big deal. As for human error, there would be far less of it if refs knew they were being listenened to and accountable
Think it would be v naive to think that referees couldn’t be “persuaded” either via bribes or just by access to stars or pressure from the media.
If McNeil elbows Rashford that is covered excessively, if Coleman kicks mctominy it’s covered excessively.
Giving decisions against the big clubs involves great scrutiny
Having watched that Brighton game I honestly can't see anything other than a huge amount of bias or pure corruption. Nobody can be that incompetent.
The long term costs of those decisions to Brighton could be astronomical and there is no excuse or apology that will fix it. Mic'd up should happen immediately, and there is no excuse for that not happening either. Players swearing is not enough reason to not have it, we hear fans all the time shouting abuse and it isn't a big deal. As for human error, there would be far less of it if refs knew they were being listenened to and accountable
When was the last time you heard about any big VAR decision going against the sky 6 against anyone other than another sky 6 clubs.

If any of those VAR calls in that game had been the other way around you can be sure they would have been given.

Blatant corruption and yet some people still like to bury their heads and pretend it is incompetence.
When was the last time you heard about any big VAR decision going against the sky 6 against anyone other than another sky 6 clubs.

If any of those VAR calls in that game had been the other way around you can be sure they would have been given.

Blatant corruption and yet some people still like to bury their heads and pretend it is incompetence.
Well there was the casemiro red card that was ridiculous but ordinarily you are right. No chance spurs don't get those decisions Saturday
It's infuriating because we all respect brighton for what they are doing, losing best players and still playing spurs off the park. Just another hurdle for smaller clubs to jump is what it seems like.

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