Honest enough to even admit at the end that the players weren’t responding to him any more. Many managers would have easily just carried on. This bloke who apparently has a massive ego (which football manager doesn’t?) basically resigns for the good of the club.
If you’d said to me in Jan 23 that in Feb 25 we’d be a PL team, point deductions behind us, PSR restrictions behind us, we turned a profit in the period, we’ve got new owners, and going into the new stadium as a PL team with David Moyes at the helm. I’d have sold any non essential organ for that and maybe a few essential ones too.
Sean Dyche made that happen when we were in our absolute darkest moment and the championship, administration, leading of stadium, fire sale of assets, further points deductions, possible insolvency beckoned. He could coil one out on the Dixie Dean statue for all I care after Bournemouth and then the points deductions, he literally saved the club regardless of what you might think of him as a bloke, anything after that moment is largely irrelevant to me in the bigger scheme of Everton.