2021/22 Dele Alli

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I'm more annoyed that he didn't work back than he lost the ball in a bad area. That needs to be called out right away and can't happen again.
He should absolutely have worked back but there's about 7 other players then who all made mistakes from that.

What happens when you have Michael Keane as your defensive leader I suppose.
He should absolutely have worked back but there's about 7 other players then who all made mistakes from that.

What happens when you have Michael Keane as your defensive leader I suppose.

What others did isn't important to him. He could have helped win it back himself. If everyone takes the attitude that it's someone else's problem, then we are getting relegated.

I don't accept players not working back when they lose the ball. It's not acceptable in our current situation.
My issue with Sutton and people now banging on about him not trying to get the ball back is fine, he should have, but did you see the rest of the defenders for that goal? Two of them stood off Joelinton, then 4 of them stood off ASM and then Townsend loses Fraser.

As for Dele, if he's going to play, it needs to be as the sole player behind the striker. It can't be in a role that requires him to run with the ball, that isn't his game.

I don't think he was worse than our defenders
And our entire team was broken anyway even without the two injuries in the first half
He is obviously talented enough to raise our creativity in future games - but he certainly underdelivered last night on debut, that's all
Hopefully it gets forgotten about thanks to far improved future performances
What others did isn't important to him. He could have helped win it back himself. If everyone takes the attitude that it's someone else's problem, then we are getting relegated.

I don't accept players not working back when they lose the ball. It's not acceptable in our current situation.

This is it.
We can hold him to a higher standard because we know he's more talented than half of the clowns on the team.
The fear when he was drafted in was that he wouldn't have the right attitude to help us survive, and last night his application was sadly lacking.

This is it.
We can hold him to a higher standard because we know he's more talented than half of the clowns on the team.
The fear when he was drafted in was that he wouldn't have the right attitude to help us survive, and last night his application was sadly lacking.

I just see no fight in our team, and that's the difference between us and the teams around us.
Sorry I just don't understand this. Besides the obvious mistake for the goal, which lets be honest was coming anyway, what did he do that makes you think of his appearance as a "stinker"?

I'm not being funny, i'm genuinely curious, cause I thought he did fine given the circumstances..

I don’t believe you actually think he did fine. I think you just want to believe that because you don’t like the thought of a player being so horrendous on their debut and it worries you a bit. People do this all the time with new players. It’s fine to just say they played very poorly.
What others did isn't important to him. He could have helped win it back himself. If everyone takes the attitude that it's someone else's problem, then we are getting relegated.

I don't accept players not working back when they lose the ball. It's not acceptable in our current situation.
He should have worked back but if you look at the move Newcastle move it across the box to Joelinton and then to ASM. Dele was on the other side, so he gets back into the area. It's not good enough but ultimately it's where you need your team-mates to help out.

He got back into the area to try and defend the cross. Maybe he should have charged after the ball immediately - well he should have at least at first - but then as soon as it goes to Joelinton he has to be in a position to defend the ball into the box mate.

Basically neither happened and his team-mates failed at their jobs too. But the ball moves faster than any player can and Newcastle moved it quickly.
I don’t believe you actually think he did fine. I think you just want to believe that because you don’t like the thought of a player being so horrendous on their debut and it worries you a bit. People do this all the time with new players.
He was poor. I don't think he should have been put into that position because he was not like for like with Gray at all. Gray going off was a huge blow for us and Dele couldn't at all replicate what Gray can do because they're such different players.

It was a weird sub at the time.

He had a stinker last night
Yes it can all be mitigated by new club, rustiness, settling in, coming off bench into disrupted team
But I can't help but feel like he's lacking that determination to pull the team up with him
I hope to be proven wrong, but like all these other everton players, when the going gets tough he doesn't get going
My thoughts exactly...hopefully we are wrong tho.
That take-down on the chest from that long ball that Coleman played was lovely - just a shame that it didn't stick a bit better otherwise he was in.
I don’t believe you actually think he did fine. I think you just want to believe that because you don’t like the thought of a player being so horrendous on their debut and it worries you a bit. People do this all the time with new players. It’s fine to just say they played very poorly.
I thought he did. He made some good runs, good dribbles. Good passing and touches.

Considering the circumstance he was fine. Defence much more of an issue.
terrible sub from lampard bringing him on to replace gray, should have been DCL or even el ghazi.
dont actually see where dele fits in with the way lampard likes to line up

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